“Design and safety analysis of Alfred” G. Forasassi President of CIRTEN CIRTEN Interuniversity Consortium for Technological Nuclear Research 3 rd LEADER.


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Presentation transcript:

“Design and safety analysis of Alfred” G. Forasassi President of CIRTEN CIRTEN Interuniversity Consortium for Technological Nuclear Research 3 rd LEADER International Workshop Pisa, 4 th - 5 th September 2012 Bologna, 6 th - 7 th September 2012

Contents CIRTEN overview LMR overview Workshop Program Pisa, Sept 4th – 7th,

CIRTEN Consorzio Interuniversitario per la Ricerca Tecnologica Nucleare Interuniversity Consortium for the Nuclear Technologic Research CONSTITUTION DATE:1994 ASSOCIATED UNIVERSITIES: 1) POLYTECHNIC OF MILANO* 2) POLYTECHNIC OF TORINO* 3) UNIVERSITY OF PADOVA 4) UNIVERSITY OF PALERMO 5) UNIVERSITY OF PISA* 6) UNIVERSITY OF ROMA 1 (La Sapienza)* 7) UNIVERSITY OF BOLOGNA* Pisa, Sept 4th – 7th,

LMR overview LMRs are advanced concepts currently being researched (to improve nuclear safety, proliferation resistance, minimize waste and natural resource utilization) where the primary coolant is a liquid metal. The next generation of the nuclear reactors focuses on Liquid metal reactors (LMR) and Gas-cooled reactors (GCR). Among the LMR the most promising are the lead/lead alloy reactors (i.e. MYRRHA or ALFRED) and the sodium reactor (like ASTRID). Pisa, Sept 4th – 7th,

The ELSY consortium intends to design a Lead-cooled Fast Reactor system that complies with all GEN IV goals and gives assurance of investment protection. ELSY project (EC – 6th FP) Pisa, April 17th – 20th,

ELSY project (EC – 6th FP) Starting configuration The ELSY project (characterized by an integral and compact reactor vessel with all Internals being removable ) aims to demonstrate:  the technical feasibility of a LFR;  the capability to fully comply with Gen IV goals. The ELSY project activities were subdivided into: WP1: Design objectives, cost estimate, R&D needs and compliance with the GEN IV goals; WP2: Core design and performance assessment; WP3: Main components and systems; WP4: System integration; WP5: Safety and transient analysis; WP6: Lead technology. Pisa, Sept 4th – 7th,

Starting configuration The LEADER project aims: to define an European Lead Fast Reactor configuration, based on results obtained in the frame of the ELSY project, to develop the conceptual design of ALFRED, the Advanced Lead Fast Reactor European Demonstrator (120 MWe). LEADER PROJECT (EC-7 th FP) Moreover the demonstrator shall confirm that the newly developed and adopted materials, both structural material and innovative fuel material, are able to sustain high & fast neutron fluxes and high temperatures. Pisa, April 17th – 20th,

AdP MSE-ENEA CIRTEN Since 2007 CIRTEN collaborates (as co-benifeciary and first collaborator) in the AdP MSE-ENEA. Among the Work packages, the WP3 has been expressly dedicated to the Generation IV LMR activities in support to the EU project also. LIFUS 5 SIMMER domain (jointly with ENEA to ELSY 6thFP to SGTR) Nodalization by Relap 5 of secondary system Pisa, April 17th – 20th,

AB C D C D ULOF with RELAP Analyses of the DHR by means of FLUENT Temperature profile on control line A LBELBE Stratificazione termica A Scambio termico B LBE inlet in channel a contatto con l’aria Aria Bottom part of channel with air Velocity profile in the channel Temperature profile on control line B AdP MSE-ENEA CIRTEN Pisa, Sept 4th – 7th,

Mass flow rate: LBE, Ar SECONDARY S. PRIMARY SYSTEM HEAT EXCHANGER: Water  0.5 kg/s. 91 bayonet tubes, P/D=1.22 HEAT SECTION: 37pin.P/D=1.8 Power=800 kW ULOF analyses with RELAP Simulation of the loss of coolant due to pump trip (Hyp. without scram) AdP MSE-ENEA CIRTEN Pisa, Sept 4th – 7th,

CIRTEN 7th FP LMR educational activities Contribution to Lead Technology According to the financial source allocated CIRTEN would organize: 1. Workshop on the Lead reactors 2. Specific conferences and lectures on lead-material interaction to be held within present nuclear engineering degree and master courses ongoing in the Italian Universities members of the Consortium. Education and training Pisa, Sept 4th – 7th,

WORKSHOP PROGRAM Day 1: Tuesday 4 th September :00 Welcome (Profs. G. Forasassi-President of CIRTEN, P.A. Terreni Pisa Eng. Faculty Dean, local Authorities and …..) 09:30 Course organization and program (G. Forasassi, CIRTEN-UniPI) 10:00 LEADER project overview (A. Alemberti, Ansaldo) 10:30 Coffee break 11:00 ADS concepts: EFIT and MYRRHA (D. De Bruyn, SCK-EN) 11:30 MYRRHA configuration and design (D. De Bruyn, SCK-CEN) 12:00 ELECTRA Facility (J. Wallenius, KTH) 12:40 Lunch Day 1: Tuesday 4 th September :00 Welcome (Profs. G. Forasassi-President of CIRTEN, P.A. Terreni Pisa Eng. Faculty Dean, local Authorities and …..) 09:30 Course organization and program (G. Forasassi, CIRTEN-UniPI) 10:00 LEADER project overview (A. Alemberti, Ansaldo) 10:30 Coffee break 11:00 ADS concepts: EFIT and MYRRHA (D. De Bruyn, SCK-EN) 11:30 MYRRHA configuration and design (D. De Bruyn, SCK-CEN) 12:00 ELECTRA Facility (J. Wallenius, KTH) 12:40 Lunch

Day 1: Tuesday 4 th September 2012 (Contd) 14:50 General LFR structure lay out and BOP choices (L. Mansani, Ansaldo) 15:30 Introduction to physical problems and design of LFR systems cores: open questions. (S. Dulla, PoliTO) 16:20 Coffee break 16:40 LFR core design issues and solutions analysis (G. Grasso, ENEA) 17:20 Day 1 lectures end Day 1: Tuesday 4 th September 2012 (Contd) 14:50 General LFR structure lay out and BOP choices (L. Mansani, Ansaldo) 15:30 Introduction to physical problems and design of LFR systems cores: open questions. (S. Dulla, PoliTO) 16:20 Coffee break 16:40 LFR core design issues and solutions analysis (G. Grasso, ENEA) 17:20 Day 1 lectures end WORKSHOP PROGRAM

Day 2: Wednesday 5 th September :00 General description of the ELFR Plant and the ALFRED Demonstrator (L. Mansani, Ansaldo) 09:40 LFR material issues (P. Szakalof, KTH) 10:20 Coffee break 10:40 Materials issues and considerations for fuel cladding of ALFRED reactor (P. Agostini, ENEA) 11:10 Heat Tranfer in HLM (F. Oriolo, CIRTEN-UniPi) 12:10 Outcomes and limitations of the CFD approach on the HLM fuel bundle analysis (I. Di Piazza, ENEA) 12:45 Lunch Day 2: Wednesday 5 th September :00 General description of the ELFR Plant and the ALFRED Demonstrator (L. Mansani, Ansaldo) 09:40 LFR material issues (P. Szakalof, KTH) 10:20 Coffee break 10:40 Materials issues and considerations for fuel cladding of ALFRED reactor (P. Agostini, ENEA) 11:10 Heat Tranfer in HLM (F. Oriolo, CIRTEN-UniPi) 12:10 Outcomes and limitations of the CFD approach on the HLM fuel bundle analysis (I. Di Piazza, ENEA) 12:45 Lunch WORKSHOP PROGRAM

Day 2: Wednesday 5 th September 2012 (Contd) 14:40 Safety analysis for ELFR and ALFRED (E. Bubelis, KIT) 15:20 Relap 5 simulation of natural circulation loop (A. Del Nevo; ENEA) 16:20 Coffee break 16:40 Analysis of the SGTR accident for LFR by SIMMER code (N. Forgione, UniPi) 17:20 Evaluation of the structural effects of the SGTR accident in LFR: application example (R. Lo Frano, CIRTEN-UniPi) Day 2 lectures end Workshop Dinner Day 2: Wednesday 5 th September 2012 (Contd) 14:40 Safety analysis for ELFR and ALFRED (E. Bubelis, KIT) 15:20 Relap 5 simulation of natural circulation loop (A. Del Nevo; ENEA) 16:20 Coffee break 16:40 Analysis of the SGTR accident for LFR by SIMMER code (N. Forgione, UniPi) 17:20 Evaluation of the structural effects of the SGTR accident in LFR: application example (R. Lo Frano, CIRTEN-UniPi) Day 2 lectures end Workshop Dinner WORKSHOP PROGRAM

Day 3: Thursday 6 th September :30-12:30 Transfer by bus to Bologna 13:00 Lunch 14:30 Physical & TH open issues in LMR (M. Sumini, UNIBO) 15:30 Control Architecture for ALFRED reactor methodology and application (A. Cammi, CIRTEN-POLIMI) 16:30 Coffee break 17:00 TH analysis of LFR Fuel Assembly (D. Mattioli ENEA) 17:45 Possible Attendees’ presentation Day 3 lectures end Day 3: Thursday 6 th September :30-12:30 Transfer by bus to Bologna 13:00 Lunch 14:30 Physical & TH open issues in LMR (M. Sumini, UNIBO) 15:30 Control Architecture for ALFRED reactor methodology and application (A. Cammi, CIRTEN-POLIMI) 16:30 Coffee break 17:00 TH analysis of LFR Fuel Assembly (D. Mattioli ENEA) 17:45 Possible Attendees’ presentation Day 3 lectures end WORKSHOP PROGRAM

Day 4: Friday 7 th September :30 Adiabatic LFRs vs. ADS Concept (Artioli, ENEA) 09:30 Application of CFD codes to LFRs (Manservisi, UNIBO) 10:30 Coffee break 10:45 Accident analysis overview (G. Bandini, ENEA) 11:45 Potential evolution of Severe Accident Codes (ASTEC-MELCOR) for LFR (Di Giuli, UNIBO); 12:40 Lunch 13:45 Transfer by bus from Bologna to Brasimone 14:15 Visit to ENEA UTIS Labs: CIRCE, NACIE and other LFR facilities 18:00 Workshop End Day 4: Friday 7 th September :30 Adiabatic LFRs vs. ADS Concept (Artioli, ENEA) 09:30 Application of CFD codes to LFRs (Manservisi, UNIBO) 10:30 Coffee break 10:45 Accident analysis overview (G. Bandini, ENEA) 11:45 Potential evolution of Severe Accident Codes (ASTEC-MELCOR) for LFR (Di Giuli, UNIBO); 12:40 Lunch 13:45 Transfer by bus from Bologna to Brasimone 14:15 Visit to ENEA UTIS Labs: CIRCE, NACIE and other LFR facilities 18:00 Workshop End WORKSHOP PROGRAM