HUMAN RESOURCE USE ecological (carbon) footprint: how much we impact the environment sustainability: the ability to meet human needs
IMPORTANCE OF BIODIVERSITY What happens if you remove a species? Can lose biodiversity Unbalance a food web Areas already with low richness are most at risk
PROTECTING ECOSYSTEMS Biodiversity hotspots: regions with the highest diversity that are most in danger
FIELDS OF STUDY Conservation biology: identify, protect, and maintain natural areas at risk Restoration biology: rebuild the damaged ecosystems Use bioindicators (species especially sensitive to change) as early warning signals of environmental problems
CASE STUDY: Saving the whooping crane
GOVERNMENT LAWS Debt-for-nature swap; richer countries or private companies pay smaller/poorer countries for undeveloped land or education programs
PRIVATE EFFORTS Ecotourism: tourism and conservation biology working together
MAINTENANCE OF BIODIVERSITY utilitarian value: economic values of biodiversity nonutilitarian value: life-forms have value