Founder Aryan People 2000 B.C. (Wrote most of Vedas) Location Indus River Valley Main Text/ Writings Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagad-Gita Background
Over 330 Million Gods in Hindu Culture Everything is God and God is part of Everything Gods do a certain task One Hindu may pray to 30 or more different Gods Vishnu- (Most popular) Savior Hero Shiva- Goddess of fertility God or Gods?
Jesus Christ…… Savior or Man? It is a Cycle Path vs. a Path Through a Savior Does Hinduism Have a Savior? Do they believe Jesus is the Son of God?
Hindus do not believe in a power like the Holy Spirit. Gods do their work in the flesh. Following the Dharma allows you to go up in Spiritual Rank. Beliefs on the Holy Spirit
Means to an End? Find the Divine Nature. Caste System. Not formally Used Still informally practiced How to Be Saved.
Samsara=Cycle of Time + Karma. Reincarnation Karma=life actions Moksha Divine Nature Inner Peace in the Infinite After Death
900 Million Followers 4 th Largest World Religion Need for Male Heirs Yoga 2 Parts Other Interesting Facts