A. FALSE: Men are just as likely as women to suffer from compulsive buying.
B. TRUE Doctors have concluded that this behaviour is a way for people to try to complete themselves. Doctors have concluded that this behaviour is a way for people to try to complete themselves.
2.a Compulsive buyers have frequent thoughts of shopping and overspend to the extent that they buy thing that don't even need. Moreover, their behavior reaches the point of affecting their social and professional lives
Compulsive buyers often think of buying things which they may not even need. And these buying habits lead them to spend more than they can afford until it has a negative effect on their personal and work life.
B. Women tend to buy clothes and products which can make them look more attractive while men collect gadget and electronic devices compulsively. Furthermore, men are more reluctant than women to recognize their problem.
Men seem to feel more attracted by technical devices while women prefer buying clothes and products which can make them look more attractive.
3. Find the words in the text that mean: a. result finding finding b. increased rocketed rocketed c. tendencies trends trends d. looking for seeking seeking
4. Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in bracketswhen given: a. As a result of too much shopping, some anxiety or depression may be experienced (experience) and this might interfere with work or school performance
b. Contrary to the general idea that shopping is a ladies' habit, men are now admitting(admit)that they also have this problem, and they even ask for some help. men are now admitting(admit)that they also have this problem, and they even ask for some help.
c. Doctors suggest that compulsive shoppers should / ought to / --- cultivate more spiritual aspects of their lives, rather than buying material things to complete themselves
d. Rewrite the following in reported speech: Yesterday the salesman said to me: 'Don't pay now'. Yesterday the salesman told me not to pay then/at that moment Yesterday the salesman told me not to pay then/at that moment
The Compulsive Buying Disorder has become worse with the arrival of online shopping and television programmes devoted to buying goods 24 hours a day. Discuss
Both television and internet offer a high range of products which you can buy. Nowadays, you can purchase anything online; therefore, compulsive shoppers do not even need to leave their homes to buy countless items since they just sit in front of their computers or make a phone call to spend their money. So just with a click, you might have spent loads of money on things you did not even want in the first place. Both television and internet offer a high range of products which you can buy. Nowadays, you can purchase anything online; therefore, compulsive shoppers do not even need to leave their homes to buy countless items since they just sit in front of their computers or make a phone call to spend their money. So just with a click, you might have spent loads of money on things you did not even want in the first place. In this way, it is very difficult today to overcome the temptation to buy unnecessary goods relentlessly. In this way, it is very difficult today to overcome the temptation to buy unnecessary goods relentlessly. For these reasons, I think that if the Compulsive Buying Disorder is diagnosed as an addictive illness, then internet and television programmes are to blame, unless we are sensible enough to avoid getting hooked on these latest trends.(131 words) For these reasons, I think that if the Compulsive Buying Disorder is diagnosed as an addictive illness, then internet and television programmes are to blame, unless we are sensible enough to avoid getting hooked on these latest trends.(131 words)
a. Do you ever buy things that you don’t need? Why? I must admit that I sometimes buy things that I do not need, but who doesn´t? I must admit that I sometimes buy things that I do not need, but who doesn´t? Generally and throughout the year, I only purchase the items that I need, but when sales seasons come and shop shelves are full of bargains, I cannot help shopping for clothes with my friends. Generally and throughout the year, I only purchase the items that I need, but when sales seasons come and shop shelves are full of bargains, I cannot help shopping for clothes with my friends. It is true that I do not need many of the things that I buy, but temptation is hard to fight against when you see a beautiful skirt or blouse half the price that it used to cost. It is true that I do not need many of the things that I buy, but temptation is hard to fight against when you see a beautiful skirt or blouse half the price that it used to cost. Maybe it is a mistake to store such unnecessary products;however,when shopping you enjoy the moment so much that it's really worthy to have a try a couple of times a year.(121words) Maybe it is a mistake to store such unnecessary products;however,when shopping you enjoy the moment so much that it's really worthy to have a try a couple of times a year.(121words)