Types of phrases- syntactic categories of lexical phrases Noun phrase (NP): A phrase whose Head is a noun or pronoun, optionally accompanied by a set of modifiers (determiners, adjectives/adj phrases, prepositional phrases). NP = …N… Verb phrase (VP): Composed of the predicate sentence element of a Sentence. Functions to provide information about the subject of the sentence. VP = …V… 22/5/2016
Types of phrases- syntactic categories of lexical phrases Adjectival/ive phrase (AP): A phrase with an adjective as its Head. May occur as pre- or post modifier to a noun or as predicatives to a verb (as subject complement). AP = …A… Prepositional phrase (PP): A phrase with a preposition as its Head, often followed by a noun phrase. PP = …P… 32/5/2016
REPRESENTING THE INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF PHRASES FIRST PHRASE STRUCTURE RULE (Specifier Rule) XP (YP) X’, where YP is the specifier, and X’ is the intermediate level between the phrase level and the word level. (Constituent daughters of X’ are in Complement relationship with each other) In English, the specifier is on the left. 42/5/2016
REPRESENTING THE INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF PHRASES SECOND PHRASE STRUCTURE RULE (Complement Rule) X’ X (WP), where X is the Head and WP is a complement of X. In English, the complement is on the right. 52/5/2016
REPRESENTING THE INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF PHRASES NP: the market NPmother specifierdaughters DN’ N sisters the market 62/5/2016
REPRESENTING THE INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF PHRASES NP: the market short cutNP specifier DN’DN N the market the market 72/5/2016
REPRESENTING THE INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF PHRASES NP: many children short cutNP specifier DN’D N N many children many children 82/5/2016
REPRESENTING THE INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF PHRASES VP: often fell sick VP specifier AdvV’ no short cut V AP A often fell sick 92/5/2016
REPRESENTING THE INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF PHRASES AP: very happy short cutAP specifier AdvA’ AdvA A very happy very happy 102/5/2016
REPRESENTING THE INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF PHRASES PP: right into the box PP specifier AdvP’ no short cut P NP right into the box 112/5/2016
REPRESENTING THE INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF PHRASES SECOND PHRASE STRUCTURE RULE (Complement Rule) X’ X (WP), where X is the Head and WP is a complement of X. In English, the complement is on the right. 122/5/2016
REPRESENTING THE INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF PHRASES NP: Noun or pronoun as head, may be modified by adjectives, adjective phrases/clauses, determiners, prepositional phrases. NP specifierD N’ N PP a school with many children 132/5/2016
REPRESENTING THE INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF PHRASES PP: consists of P (Head) and NP PP specifier P’ no short cut AdvP NP right over the rainbow 142/5/2016
REPRESENTING THE INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF PHRASES PP: In Malaysia short cut PP PP P’ P NP No specifier PNP N in Malaysia 152/5/2016
REPRESENTING THE INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF PHRASES VP: consists of a verb (Head) plus other modifiers such as PP, NP, AP etc. VP short cut V’VP No specifier V NPVNPN drinkmilk drinkmilk 162/5/2016
REPRESENTING THE INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF PHRASES VP: always went to the market VP specifierV’ no short cut AdvV PP short cut P NP always went to the market 172/5/2016
REPRESENTING THE INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF PHRASES VP: put the book on the table VP no specifier, short cut? V’ V NP PP D NP NP D N put the book on the table 182/5/2016
REPRESENTING THE INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF PHRASES VP: put the book on the table VP short cut V NP PP D NP NP D N put the book on the table 192/5/2016
REPRESENTING THE INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF PHRASES Compare with: NP: the book of History NP D N’ N PP (complement of N) P NP N the book of History 202/5/2016
REPRESENTING THE INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF PHRASES AP: A phrase with an Adjective as its Head. May be modified by adverbs, prepositional phrases. Functions as noun modifiers and verb predicates. AP specifier A’ no short cut Adv APP P NP short cut N so jealous of Peter 212/5/2016
REPRESENTING THE INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF PHRASES AP: unhappy with Johnshort cut? AP A’ No specifier APP unhappy with John 222/5/2016
SUMMARY- PHRASE STRUCTURE RULES XP (YP) X’, where YP is the specifier, and X’ is the intermediate level between the phrase level and the word level. In English, the specifier is on the left. X’ X (WP1)(WP2)….., where X is the Head and WP is a complement of X. In English, the complement is on the right. 232/5/2016
Labeled bracketing NP: The boy [ NP [ Det the][ N boy]] VP: eat the cake [ VP [ V eat][ NP [ Det the] [ N cake]]] VP: give the cake to Anne [ VP [ V give] [ NP [ Det the] [ N cake]] [ PP [ P to] [ NP [ N Anne]]]] 242/5/2016
Labeled bracketing AP: jealous of Peter [ AP [ A jealous] [ PP [ P of] [ NP [ N Peter]]] PP: into the river [ PP [ P into] [ NP [ Det the] [ N river]]] 252/5/2016
QUESTIONS Draw tree diagrams for the following phrases. pain in the leg a movie about love very happy with the results whispered to Anne certainly proud of Mary throw a coin 262/5/2016
QUESTIONS For each of the phrases in the previous slide, write the phrase structure rule(s) you have used to draw the tree diagram. Represent the structure of the phrases using labeled bracketing notation. 272/5/2016