CHAPTER 7 AND 8 Vocabulary
Appalling: (page 115) adjective Something that is appalling is so bad or unpleasant that it shocks you. ■ EG: ⇒ They have been living under the most appalling conditions for two months.
Dale: (page 117) Noun (old-fashioned) A dale is a valley. EG: We travelled over hill and dale to grandmother’s house.
Withered: (page 126) Adjective If you describe a person or a part of their body as withered, you mean that they are thin and their skin looks old. Or If a flower or plant withers, it dries up and dies. ■ EG: ⇒ Great Uncle Irv held out his withered hands.
stark: (page 127) Adjective Stark choices or statements are harsh and unpleasant. ■ EG: ⇒ Companies face a stark choice if they want to stay competitive.
Vexed (p. 146) Verb If someone or something vexes you, they make you feel annoyed, puzzled, and frustrated. ■ EG: ⇒ It vexed me to think of others gossiping behind my back.
Inquisitive (p. 140) Adjective An inquisitive person likes finding out about things, especially secret things. ■ EG: ⇒ Barrow, listening at the door, had an inquisitive nature.