Objective 9.05 Assess the impact of the New Deal reforms in enlarging the role of the federal government in American life.
Deficit Spending The government spends more money than it takes in tax revenue
Social Security Insurance payments for elderly, 65 and older, unemployed, and dependent children of handicapped and single parent families
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Insures deposits in banks
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Regulates the buying and selling of stock on the Stock Market along with unfair business and trading practices
Public Works Administration (PWA) Set up employment for jobs during the Depression concerning public water and electricity projects
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Established conservation measures along with jobs planting trees and improving public parks
Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) Established to help farmers by paying them to destroy crops, ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme court
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Established make-work projects such as road building in the Tennessee Valley
National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) Industrial Program within the New Deal, ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court
Works Progress Administration (WPA) Established jobs during the New Deal and kept up with employment statistics
National Labor Relations Act Established a unions right to strike, set up a system of government mediation between labor and management
Fair Labor Standards Act Set working hours and minimum conditions for labor, especially, year olds
Father Charles Coughlin Along with Huey Long was a critic of the New Deal, said that the New Deal did not go far enough to help the poor
Frances Perkins 1st Female cabinet member