STAR Collaboration Meeting, BNL – march 2003 Alexandre A. P. Suaide Wayne State University Slide 1 EMC Update Update on EMC –Hardware installed and current capabilities –Status of software Update on EMC analysis –Transverse energy –Electron identification – 0 spectrum in pp First view into dAu data –Calibration – 0 –Electrons, etc…
STAR Collaboration Meeting, BNL – march 2003 Alexandre A. P. Suaide Wayne State University Slide 2 Hardware installed … Heavy-ion run –12 modules instrumented –( , ) ~ (1.0, 1.2) pp run –22 modules instrumented –( , ) ~ (1.0, 2.2) dAu run –60 modules instrumented –( , ) ~ (1.0, 2 ) –2400 (~2300 good) towers
STAR Collaboration Meeting, BNL – march 2003 Alexandre A. P. Suaide Wayne State University Slide 3 EMC (L0) trigger High-p t trigger (High Tower) –Photons, electrons and 0 –Highest tower in patch –150 ( good) trigger patches 4 x 4 towers ( ) ~ (0.2, 0.2) Highest tower in patch (HT) –0.5 GeV energy resolution –About x100 enhancement at 5 GeV Patch sum trigger –Sum over 16 towers –16 bits->6 bits convertion Linear lookup table –Extremely high threshold –Need to replace (working on) –New LUT in place about 2 hours to program Patch trigger is being tested Jet trigger –Waiting for the patch sum
STAR Collaboration Meeting, BNL – march 2003 Alexandre A. P. Suaide Wayne State University Slide 4 What is alive Towers –About 100(68)/2400 dead or noisy 1 bad digitizer board (32) channels (replaced) 68 noisy/dead channels HV is set to zero for all of them –3 dead crates (power supply failures) Replaced during accesses SMD –3/60 modules not working 1/3 bad FEE 2/3 need access inside the detector to diagnose –Some individual channels Some we know are dead –Zero pedestal and no readout Some are noisy
STAR Collaboration Meeting, BNL – march 2003 Alexandre A. P. Suaide Wayne State University Slide 5 EMC software Many modifications since last year –New database scheme New tables (pedestals, calibration, status) –Smaller than lest year –Reduced access time »From 15 minutes -> 30 seconds –Online calibration and monitoring –Embedding and simulations –Emc on muDST
STAR Collaboration Meeting, BNL – march 2003 Alexandre A. P. Suaide Wayne State University Slide 6 EMC Reconstruction flow Three makers –StEmcADCtoEMaker Converts ADC to calibrated energy for all EMC sub- detectors –Gets calibration and pedestal tables from STAR DB –StPreEclMaker Finds clusters in all EMC sub-detectors –StEpcMaker Matches EMC clusters EMC Point All StEvent based –They can run at analysis level using.event.root or muDst as input –This is necessary to allow clustering with different thresholds for different analysis
STAR Collaboration Meeting, BNL – march 2003 Alexandre A. P. Suaide Wayne State University Slide 7 EMC online software Calibration and pedestal –Pedestals are calculated on the fly from real data New pedestal tables are save every 6 hours (if there is data available) –Online MIP calibration Events from event pool Project L3 tracks with p > 1.2 GeV into EMC towers Used to monitor gain shift on EMC Need about 2 M minibias events
STAR Collaboration Meeting, BNL – march 2003 Alexandre A. P. Suaide Wayne State University Slide 8 EMC embedding Embedding (2 steps) –TPC embedding ->.event.root and.geant.root TPC embedding is necessary only for charged particles embedding (there is no need for TPC embedding if 0, for example) Need to enable reconstruction of EMC real data on chain. –EMC embedding Clear clusters and points Mixes EMC hits by adding the hits energies and ADC’s from tow different input files Reconstruct hits and points after mixing the hits gets input from.event.root, muDst, emcMuDst,.geant.root –EMC association Associates MC tracks with clusters and points Done on the fly with the embedding Simulations –Real pedestal and gain are taken into account
STAR Collaboration Meeting, BNL – march 2003 Alexandre A. P. Suaide Wayne State University Slide 9 EMC on muDST EMC is fully implemented –Saves all tower ADC’s Just to save disk space If tower energy is necessary need to run some reconstruction during analysis (very fast) –Saves Pre-Shower and SMD hits above some threshold –Saves all EMC clusters Default thresholds, but can be re-reconstructed on the fly if different thresholds are necessary. –Saves all EMC points Based on clusters thresholds but can be re- reconstructed –StEvent object can be re-created on the fly Necessary if new clusters and points are needed
STAR Collaboration Meeting, BNL – march 2003 Alexandre A. P. Suaide Wayne State University Slide 10 Update on EMC analysis AuAu run –Transverse energy measurement Paper being written –Electron identification pp run – 0 spectrum –Electron identification with SMD dAu run –First look at the data…
STAR Collaboration Meeting, BNL – march 2003 Alexandre A. P. Suaide Wayne State University Slide 11 Physics going on… Transverse energy Transverse energy analysis –Electromagnetic transverse energy Hadronic background –Use TPC tracks to subtract hadronic energy deposited on EMC –Hadronic profile obtained from real data –Correction due to long lived neutral hadrons –Hadronic transverse energy from TPC –Writing a paper Marcia
STAR Collaboration Meeting, BNL – march 2003 Alexandre A. P. Suaide Wayne State University Slide 12 Transverse energy (cont)
STAR Collaboration Meeting, BNL – march 2003 Alexandre A. P. Suaide Wayne State University Slide 13 Electron identification in STAR TPC information –Momentum of the track –dE/dX For electron selection For hadronic background estimation –Number of dE/dX points EMC information –Distance from the projected track to the center of an EMC tower –Energy of the tower Dataset –Minimum bias AuAu ~ 2 M events –Central AuAu ~ 150 k events –|z vertex | < 20 cm
STAR Collaboration Meeting, BNL – march 2003 Alexandre A. P. Suaide Wayne State University Slide 14 EMC information (towers only) p/E cut distance to the center of the tower cut Hadronic background estimation Hadronic suppression factor ~ 20 for efficiency ~ 0.5
STAR Collaboration Meeting, BNL – march 2003 Alexandre A. P. Suaide Wayne State University Slide 15 Putting all results together (TPC + EMC) Minimum bias AuAu
STAR Collaboration Meeting, BNL – march 2003 Alexandre A. P. Suaide Wayne State University Slide 16 0 reconstruction (invariant mass spectra) 0 reconstruction with pp data –SMD present Still needs better understanding of uniformity and gain –High tower trigger Improve statistics –Low EMC occupancy Smaller background Steve Trentalange Dylan Thein and Alex Stolpovsky
STAR Collaboration Meeting, BNL – march 2003 Alexandre A. P. Suaide Wayne State University Slide 17 0 spectrum High tower trigger A lot of corrections still to be done (trigger bias, efficiencies, etc) Only 10% of full EMC acceptance Corrections are still being studied Steve Trentalange Dylan Thein and Alex Stolpovsky
STAR Collaboration Meeting, BNL – march 2003 Alexandre A. P. Suaide Wayne State University Slide 18 dAu run – Calibration (I) Relative gain equalization –Used to adjust HV to have same gain in transverse energy Important for trigger uniformity
STAR Collaboration Meeting, BNL – march 2003 Alexandre A. P. Suaide Wayne State University Slide 19 dAu – Calibration (II) MIP calibration –Project high-p tracks into EMC p > 1.2 GeV/c 3x3 towers isolation –About 1 M minimum bias events needed
STAR Collaboration Meeting, BNL – march 2003 Alexandre A. P. Suaide Wayne State University Slide 20 dAu – Electron identification dE/dX + Tower –Electron peak is visible Needs more statistics for calibration No track quality cuts dE/dX + Tower + SMD –Neural Net software (Julia and Dmitry) Software already on repository Long way to go –understand matching with SMD »Residuals »SMD efficiency
STAR Collaboration Meeting, BNL – march 2003 Alexandre A. P. Suaide Wayne State University Slide 21 dAu – 0 reconstruction Invariant mass spectrum –pt > 1.5 GeV –At least one of the SMD’s present –Vertex found (no cut) –No track projected to EMC point –Peak at the right position –Peak with better than last year? 19 MeV –27 MeV from last year pp Needs more statistics This is just the start… Alex Stolpovsky
STAR Collaboration Meeting, BNL – march 2003 Alexandre A. P. Suaide Wayne State University Slide 22 Final comments EMC hardware –½ of the barrel is installed and running –High tower trigger is running –Patch and Jet triggers are under commissioning EMC software –Ready for full production –Ready for embedding –All necessary infra-structure in place for data analysis. Analysis of the data –Many topics Et, 0, electrons –First look at dAu suggests that data is promising