Metrology to enable improved underwater EMC testing MU- EMC Raúl Caballero Santos (CEM) Joaquin del Río (UPC) Albert Garcia (UPC)
Background Actually many surveys are been realized in the seawater, because a new technologies are implanted to get energy as:
Problematic The main point is that these infrastructures are connected with high power lines to shore, and these cables can transport high current levels. High current and voltage causes anthropogenic EM interferences added to the zero state natural EM fields. which equipment is used to measure this field? MSFD (Marine Strategic Framework Directive) is clear about anthropogenic acoustic noise, but still no reference to EM fields interferences and its impact to the local ecosystems.
Measurement System Magnetic and electric field sensors Courtesy of Mappem Geophysics
Now, the surveys are performed by two different sensors, one for the electrical filed, and other for the magnetic field. These sensors are characterized and calibrated under the IEEE Std , but the problem is that this document is for measurements on the air, environment that is low conductance, and now the equipment are used underwater, an environment with a higher conductance than the air. We choose an example of electrical profile in a real campaign: In this example is clear the uncertainty is disregards….
Proposal For this, we propose a new line of research to study the calibration on seawater for such type of measurements, and improve the uncertainty calculation of the equipment used.
We can offer: The expertise and the quality assessment of CEM The OBSEA seafloor cabled observatory is available as a test site and ready for instrument deployment (Operated by UPC).
Thanks' for your attention Any questions? Contact: Raúl Caballero Santos (CEM) Joaquin del Río (UPC) Albert Garcia (UPC)