Lecture Name MS MILA Name from group Resta Rully Hanifa Della Topic material Direct speech & Indirect speech
There are two ways of reporting what somebody says; Direct speech (DS) Indirect (or reported) speech. (IS)
In direct speech we use the speaker’s own words. “In text we put speech marks around the words spoken” “Speech marks are also called inverted commas”
Characteristics of DIRECT SPEECH It is original quotation of a talk It is always placed between two quotation marks It is always preceded by Capital letter
Colon (:), are placed before direct speech when the introductory verb position is in the front Comma (,) are placed after direct speech when the introductory verb position exclamation mark (!), question mark (?) is placed after or between the direct speech Panctuation Example: ‘Where do you live?’ she asked me Where do you live? My mother says to my sister: ‘Wash your hands!’ She yelled at me: ‘Don’t have the door open!’
Reported Speech is a way how we report what someone has said by changing some of the words said, but retaining the same meaning. Usually reported speech using a “THAT ”
PPronoun and Possessive adjective DIRECT SPEECH I NDIRECT SPEECH IMe YouYour WeOur Theytheir HeHim Shehis ItIts Declarative (Statement)
Adverbial time DIRECT SPEECH NowThen Today That day Tonight That night This week That week yesterday The day before Last nightThe night before Last week/yearThe previous week/year Three years agoThree years before Tomorrow The next day/The following day On Sunday HereThere This bookThe book This That These Those Over there
DIRECT SPEECH INDIRECT SPEECH Present SimplePast Simple Present ContinuousPast Continuous Present PerfectPast Perfect Present Perfect ContPast Perfect Cont Change of tenses in declarative sentence Present tense
DIRECT SPEECH INDIRECT SPEECH Future SimplePast Future Future ContinuousPast Future Cont Future PerfectPast Future Perfect Future Perfect cont Past Future Perfect cont Fiture Tense
DIRECT SPEECHINDIRECT SPEECH Past SimplePast Perfect Past ContinuousPast Perfect ContPast Perfect Past tense
DIRECT SPEECHINDIRECT SPEECH Verb 1Verb 2 Verb 2Had + Verb 3 Iswas Amwas Are Havehad Has had Dodid Doesdid Was/were had been Didhad + verb 3 Let’s see the following changes
Cancould Maymight Musthad to Shallshould Willwould Ought to + verb 1ought to + have + verb 3 / been Could+ verb 1could + have + verb 3 / been Might+ verb 1might + have + verb 3 / been Should+ verb 1should + have + verb3 / been Would+ verb 1would + have + verb 3 / been
If the report is about something which always true, it may not be necessary to backshift Eg: I like apples more than I like orange. She said that she likes apples more than she likes oranges.
Speaker can be mention at the beginning 0r end of the sentence in reported speech Direct speech: Jack said, ‘We are going to miss the train.’ ‘We are going to miss the train,’ said jack. NOTE
Speakers are mentioned at the beginning of the sentences in reported speech: Jack said (that) We are going to miss the train. (IS)
In reported speech, references to people, place and time, because the point of view changes. Eg: ‘I will see you tomorrow.’ said sue. (DS) Sue said would see me there the next day. (IS)
Sometimes each word is reported ( Verbatim reporting), but we often summarize what people say when we make reports. Eg: “ Look, actually, tell him I’ll give him a call next week, OK?” (DS) She said she’d call you next week. (IS)
Commands are reported with tell and the infinitive. Eg: “Wait Wait!” I told him to stop. Requests are reported with tell and the infinitive. Eg: “Please Wait!” I asked her to wait.
Questions with the answer yes or no are reported with backshift and using if Eg: “ Does the london train stop here? She asked. (DS) She asked to me if the london train stopped here. (IS) Note: That the questions form of the direct speech is not used in reported speech, as there is no longer a direct question. There is no question mark.
Whether means if…or not. We use whether when we report questions. The question is reported with backshift link with or. Eg: “Are you staying the night, or are you going home ?” he asked. (DS) He asked me whether I was staying the night or going home. (IS)
Questions beginning when, where, what, why, how etc. Are reported with backshift. The question forms of direct speech are not used, so the subject in bold comes before the verb. There is no question mark. Eg: Where is the bus station? She asked (DS) She asked where the bus station was. (IS)
Indirect or embedded questions are questions which have an introductory question before them. The indirect question does not have a question form. Introductory question : Could you tel me…? Do you know…? Eg: ( Wh questions ) Where is the post office? (DS) Could you tell me where the post office is? (IS) When does the film start? (DS) Do you know when the film start? (IS) ( yes / No questions ) Is this the right street? Do you know if this is the right street? Note : NO CHANGE TENSES
Advise : I wouldn’t buy that car, janos if I were you, (DS) I advised janos not to buy the car. (IS) Congratulete : “well done, Tina you’ve passed the exam!”(DS) I congratulated tina on passing her exam. (IS) Invite : “Would you like to come the cinema on Saturday,pam?” ( DS) I invited pam to thecinema on Saturday. Common reporting verb Advise, Congratulate, ask, decided, invite, offer, promise, refuse, remind, suggest and etc