Our objectives for today are: Analize the grammar structure of the Past Simple vs. Past Continuous. Apply our knowledge of these two verb tenses solve some gramar exercises. Write the before, during and after stages of our most embarrasing moment.
We will accomplish this by: As a whole class discussing the structure for the affirmative and negative forms of the two verb tenses, and their Yes/No and Wh-Questions. In groups and individually working on some gramar exercises. Individually writing sentences on the before, during and after sections of our Trifold.
To do List Workbook p. 9-11 Self-Study CD-Rom Lesson A Book p. 15 Ex. A
Present Simple vs. Present Continous Grammar structure+ Worksheets
Writing: My Most Embarrasing Moment (TPS) Before: -Where were you at? -What were you doing? During: -What happened? -How did you feel? After? -What did you do next/ after that? Before During After
PAST SIMPLE VS. PAST CONTINUOUS I went to La Carolina park yesterday. I was watching a movie at 6:00 pm yesterday. Describes an action in progress in the past. Describes a complete/finished action in the past IN COMBINATION When my dad came home yesterday, I was watching a movie.
Past Continous Past Simple Completed actions in the past. Emphasize the continuity of an action in the past. Use a specific time to say what was happening at that moment. Yesterday at 6:00 pm, I was travelling to Riobamba. NOT USED WITH MENTAL/STATIVE VERBS Long action. Ana was going to the university when her bus crashed. Set the backgroud of a story. Use while to combine two continous actions Michael was watching TV while his mother was cooking. Use a specific time to show when something started or finished: at 6:00 pm, yesterday, last year, last month, in 2001. I washed my car yesterday. I studied Chinese in 2001. Short action. When her bus crashed, Ana was going to the university. Use when with the Past Simple clause. Michael was watching TV when his mother arrived. When we combine both tenses Twenty minutes One second
Stative/Mental Verbs are Non-Continuous Verbs These verbs are usually things you cannot see somebody doing. Abstract Verbs to be, to want, to cost, to seem, to need, to care, to contain, to owe, to exist... Possession Verbs to possess, to own, to belong... Emotion Verbs to like, to love, to hate, to dislike, to fear, to envy, to mind... http://www.englishpage.com/verbpage/types.html
Homework Book p. 16 (A+B+C) Answer the questions on your notebook. Self-Study CD-ROM Lesson B