Homeless Outreach in South Hampton Roads April 15 – 20, 2012
What is 1,000 Homes for 1,000 Virginians ? 1.Interview homeless individuals living on the street 2.Identify their medical risk factors using a Vulnerability Index survey 3. Prioritize those with most urgent medical needs 4. House them before they die on the street Part of a national campaign to:
How Will We Do This ?? With the South Hampton Roads Registry Week April 15-20, 2012
Volunteers will survey homeless individuals living on our streets. Registry Week… The survey is a vulnerability index that asks about medical conditions and risk factors.
Registry Week Medical risk factors include: Renal Disease Cold Weather or Heat Injuries HIV+/AIDS Liver Disease or Cirrhosis Over 60 years old Multiple ER or hospital visits Combined mental illness/substance abuse/medical problem
Create Registry With Names & Photos Prioritize those with the most severe medical vulnerabilities Scott Donna Ed
Get them housed….
and and healthy….
and employed if possible.
Conducting the Survey Volunteers are identified with campaign t-shirts.
Conducting the Survey Volunteers go in teams of 5-10 with flashlights, maps, and $5 gift cards as incentives.
Conducting the Survey Volunteers are trained by seasoned outreach workers on how to interview homeless individuals, and what to expect “in the field.”
Take a photo of each person interviewed. This helps locate individuals when housing becomes available. Conducting the Survey
Volunteer Training
Sunday, April 15: Training, 1 pm – 5 pm Monday, April 16 – Conduct survey, 3:30 am – 8:30 am Tuesday, April 17 – Conduct survey, 3:30 am – 8:30 am Wednesday, April 18 – Conduct survey, 3:30 am – 8:30 am Volunteer commitment:
Volunteer Training* Sunday, April 15 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm Volunteers role play on how to conduct the Vulnerability Index, and receive other training from professional outreach workers. *Training site tbd There are scripts for explaining Registry Week to individuals being interviewed.
Monday, April 16* 3:30 am - Volunteers arrive & Sign In *Registry Week headquarters site tbd 1. Sign confidentiality form and waiver Volunteers will: 3. Pick up T-shirt 2. Get Team #
3:30 am – 4:00 am Have coffee ….
…report to assigned Team Table…
…coordinate with their Team Leader… Team Box for volunteers: includes flashlights, pens, copies of VI, water Yellow bags for interviewees: Street Sheets, $5 gift cards, other handouts
4:00 am - Teams head out to assigned locations to interview homeless individuals on the streets…
…with law enforcement escorts as needed.
6:00 am Data Entry Volunteers arrive and prepare to enter survey results. 6:30 – 8:00 am Volunteers Return to HQ Volunteers give all surveys to the Data Entry Team and upload photos from digital cameras or cell phones.
Volunteers then gather in their teams to discuss the experiences they had. Breakfast is served! You can get to class or work by 9:00 am.
Sign Up for Registry Week in your community: Chesapeake, Norfolk, Portsmouth or Virginia Beach!
Supply Donations We need volunteers for the following teams in each participating city: Outreach/Survey Hospitality (set up, clean up) Logistics Volunteer Registration
To volunteer or get more information: Kim Thomas Norfolk Office to End Homelessness Lynanne Gornto Regional Task Force to End Homelessness , ext. 3005