VOLUNTEERS – HOORAY!!! by Ruby Lingle Retired Extension Educator
Volunteer vocabulary
Estimated value of volunteer time in 2011 $21.36 per hour
YOU Helped donate 490,024 hours valued at $10,046,912.24
Characteristics: Men slightly more than women Majority 65 years and older Areas of religion, education and youth service, and social or community service
Types of volunteering: Formal – giving unpaid help through groups to benefit people or the environment Informal – giving unpaid help to people who are not relatives
Primary reasons for volunteering: Power Achievement Affiliation
Volunteer Rights: Be a valued co-worker Suitable assignment Know about the organization Training Continuing education Guidance and direction A place to work Promotion and experience Be heard
Volunteer Responsibilities: Be enthusiastic and committed Be open and honest Agree to do what you can handle and accomplish Participate in intake and orientation process Maintain confidentiality Fulfill commitments Provide feedback Say “no” if necessary Clean up after project Learn
Acknowledgement and Recognition