07-Apr-2014-cesg-1 Jonathan Wilmot (WG Chair) Ramon Krosley (DWG Chair) SPACECRAFT ONBOARD INTERFACES SERVICES (SOIS) AREA APP WG
07-Apr-2014-cesg-2 Application Support Services Working Group Goal: Develop SOIS Application Support layer services and if appropriate protocols; develop supporting electronic data sheet schema and dictionary of terms Working Group Status Electronic Data Sheets Red Book & associated XML Schema - some minor edits and formatting issues then out for review Common Dictionary of Terms Red Book & associated ontology – formatting edits then out for review EDS and DoT Green book – internal WG review comments received Ready to incorporate comments Updated interoperability test approach for EDS and DoT ESA will take SOIS test EDS and autocode device simulation code Proposal: NASA iPAS (JSC) will take SOIS test EDS and autocode cFS flight code Proposed interface test over TCP/IP tunnel of subnetwork bus messages Significant personnel changes: Chris Taylor, Stuart Fowel and Felice Torelli departing, Joe Hickey (GRC) coming onboard, ESA replacement identified Status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM Comment: Resources affecting schedules and loss of experiance SOIS Area Report
07-Apr-2014-cesg-3 Application Support Services WG (cont.) Progress Cross area meeting to work DTN interfaces to SOIS stack Discussion on how-to integrate DTN into a real-time flight system Need to have a similar discussion for CFDP Discussion on needs for local file transfers in a distributed and/or partitioned architecture Proposal to define a common SOIS interface SOIS Area Report
07-Apr-2014-cesg-4 Application Support Services WG (cont.) Planning Map deterministic services to EDS and DOT books Work dependent on the SubNetwork WG progress Update schema to include exchange format defining properties specifying time-triggered scheduling for networks and software partitions Revise SOIS to include mapping to deterministic subnetwork New SOIS User’s Guide Green Book How to deploy SOIS to time-space partitioned and/or distributed architectures Describe interface with other CCSDS systems Green Book Mapping CFDP, DTN, etc to SOIS services Map Fault Management needs to SOIS services (NASA NESC support) SOIS Area Report
07-Apr-2014-cesg-5 Application Support Services WG (cont.) Planning Cross area meeting to work DTN interfaces to SOIS stack Discussion on how-to integrate DTN into a real-time flight system Align NASA cFS EDS tool chain with SOIS DoT and EDS (GRC lead) Expectation to release cFS tools open source Request for ESA EDS tool chain (may not be open source) Identify updates for DVS and DDPS relationship per feedback from ESA primes Will be included in next update Continue interaction with Savoir and US groups Define 1553 terms (including patterns) using the ECSS spec in the DoT Move SpaceWire terms from EDS to DoT All subnetwork terms will be in DoT As part of subnet services 5 year review, perform SOIS Subnet mapping to other datalink protocols (Ethernet, Rapidio, raw 1553, TTtech) Orange book on cFS mapping to SOIS along with a publicly available implementation and accompanying tool-set (As resources become available) SOIS Area Report
07-Apr-2014-cesg-6 Application Support Services WG Planning (estimate) SOIS Area Report ActivityMilestonePlanned end date XML Specification for Electronic Data Sheets for Onboard Devices Blue book + SANA Agency review RB 1 Complete Spring 2015 Commonbook Dictionary of Terms for Onboard Devices Blue + SANA Agency review RB 1 Complete Spring 2015 EDS and Dot interoperability tests Yellow bookDraft v1Fall 2015 XML and DOT + SANA Agency review RB2 complete 2016 XML and DOT + SANA BB 1 Publication Green Book Publication year Subnet review BB Publication2017 XML and DOT + SANABB 2 Publication2020 SOIS User’s Guide Green Book (new work item)Green Book Publication2016 cFS mapping to SOIS (Orange book)Orange book PublicationTBD
07-Apr-2014-cesg-7 APP WG Wireless WG Subnet WG SOIS Area Report: Summary