BALANCE Bologna – A Long-term Approach to New Certification in Europe Co-ordinator: Coimbra Group Office Partners: University of Barcelona (ES) University of Cambridge (UK) University of Graz (AT) University of Turku (FI)
Why BALANCE? Little knowledge about Bologna Process – Need to intensify dialogue with North American universities Objectives: Strengthening knowledge of Bologna Process in North America Forging links between international offices in Europe and North America Establishing stable and sustainable information links Increase student and staff mobility between Europe and North America
Target Audience: Senior staff at International offices at North American Universities American Association of Universities IIE G13 (leading research universities in Canada) Other personal contacts
Project Activities: 4 seminars in Europe: 2 seminars in 2007 (Cambridge and Barcelona), 2 in 2008 (Turku and Graz). Issues addressed: Bologna Process, Joint Degrees, Doctoral level in the Bologna Process, Employability, International aspect of Bologna process, Transatlantic HE initiatives and Co-operation programmes Site visits at Coimbra Group member universities 2 seminars in North America (2009) Project website (with relevant documents and links related to the Bologna process and HE in Europe in general, presentations from seminars, contact details of participants, etc)
Key points for success Kick-off meeting Clear division of tasks Advance planning (academic calendars of countries involved) Partners (professionalism, interest) Long-term vision
Key points for success (b) Know the needs of the target group Interactivity Speakers Reputation Regular communication with partners and target audience (inform them about new initiatives, etc) Ask target audience for feedback/comments
Dissemination Strategy Project website Presentations at international events Networks and Associations Word of mouth