The UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD) The International Implementation Scheme (IIS): a brief recap
The DESD Vision A world where everyone has the opportunity to benefit from education and learn the values, behaviors, and lifestyles required for a sustainable future and for positive societal transformation.
The IIS Provides the goals and objectives of the Decade Emphasizes the four thrusts of ESD Sets out a broad framework for all partners Summarizes the goals and objectives of DESD Emphasizes the importance of partnerships Outlines UNESCO’s leadership tasks Lists key milestones for the DESD Outlines seven strategies for moving forward Provides succinct summary of key trends and other background information.
Implementation Strategies Vision-building and advocacy Consultation and ownership Partnership and networks Capacity-building and training Research, development & innovation Utilization of ICTs Monitoring and evaluation
Supporting Infrastructure Leadership Vision-building Engagement and retention Governance structures Administrative support Human resources Financial resources Material resources Operating procedures Accountability Evaluation, tracking & reporting
UNESCO’s Leadership role Catalyse and strengthen partnerships; Encourage monitoring and evaluation; Encourage a research agenda and serve as forum for relevant research on ESD; Serve as forum for bringing together stakeholders in the Decade Share good ESD practices; Assist Member States to put in place ESD curricula, policies, research, etc.; Convene flexible working groups on particular topics; and Fulfil its strategic role with regard to ESD.