1 InStore Advertising Network
2 Spinner Network Systems,LLC. "Half my advertising is wasted, I just don't know which half.“ John Wanamaker.
3 Spinner Network Systems,LLC. Mr. Wanamaker, meet Spinner Network Systems, we can help you with your problems.
4 Spinner Network Systems,LLC. Lively video, animation, graphics and text delivered right where your customers are.
5 Spinner Network Systems,LLC. You can direct any ad at any time to one video screen or thousands, in all your store locations.
6 Spinner Network Systems,LLC. You don’t waste your advertising. With Spinner you track your ads and compare them directly to sales.
7 Spinner Network Systems,LLC. Then you use the podcast scheduling network to tailor ad display for maximum sales.
8 Six Big Benefits One, It improves sales of inventory.
9 Six Big Benefits One, It improves sales of inventory. Two, it lowers your costs per sale.
10 Six Big Benefits One, It improves sales of inventory. Two, it lowers your costs per sale. Three, it gives you better sales-to- advertising tracking.
11 Six Big Benefits One, It improves sales of inventory. Two, it lowers your costs per sale. Three, it gives you better sales-to- advertising tracking. Four, it encourages your customers to come back.
12 Six Big Benefits One, It improves sales of inventory. Two, it lowers your costs per sale. Three, it gives you better sales-to- advertising tracking. Four, it encourages your customers to come back. Five, it adds new streams of revenue.
13 Six Big Benefits One, It improves sales of inventory. Two, it lowers your costs per sale. Three, it gives you better sales-to- advertising tracking. Four, it encourages your customers to come back. Five, it adds new streams of revenue. Six, it gives you better control of your advertising.
14 Benefit One Do you need to improve sales of inventory? People are naturally attuned to watching TV. Your customers are ten times as likely to watch a dynamic sign as a static one*. *
15 Benefit One Do you need to improve sales of inventory? When they watch your advertising so close to the product and the point of sale it’s proven to drive up sales significantly; as much as 300%* in some cases. *
16 Benefit One Do you need to improve sales of inventory? Spinner’s In-Store Advertising system is especially effective. You get not just video, but animation, graphics and text.
17 Benefit One Do you need to improve sales of inventory? You have precise control of where and when your customers see your advertising.
18 Benefit Two Do you want to lower the costs of a sale? Spinner helps you lower the per-sales cost in many ways.
19 Benefit Two Do you want to lower the costs of a sale? Spinner helps you lower the per-sales cost in many ways. You get a large volume of very-targeted advertising for a low cost.
20 Benefit Two Do you want to lower the costs of a sale? Spinner helps you lower the per-sales cost in many ways. You get a large volume of very-targeted advertising for a low cost. With our flexible scheduling, you advertise exactly the inventory you want to sell now.
21 Benefit Two Do you want to lower the costs of a sale? Spinner helps you lower the per-sales cost in many ways. You get a large volume of very-targeted advertising for a low cost. With our flexible scheduling, you advertise exactly the inventory you want to sell now. The Spinner system reduces your advertising production and distribution costs as well.
22 Benefit Two Do you want to lower the costs of a sale? Spinner helps you lower the per-sales cost in many ways. You get a large volume of very-targeted advertising for a low cost. With our flexible scheduling, you advertise exactly the inventory you want to sell now. The Spinner system reduces your advertising production and distribution costs as well. By reusing and repurposing advertising materials along with new material, you get the most out of your advertising budget.
23 Benefit Two Do you want to lower the costs of a sale? You also reduce employee and management costs.
24 Benefit Two Do you want to lower the costs of a sale? You also reduce employee and management costs. Well-trained employees can help customers better, sell more and work more efficiently.
25 Benefit Two Do you want to lower the costs of a sale? You also reduce employee and management costs. Well-trained employees can help customers better, sell more and work more efficiently. Training can be done with the Spinner in-store advertising system by scheduled broadcasts to in-store monitors, or a library of training materials can be set up with a podcast receiver at each store.
26 Benefit Two Do you want to lower the costs of a sale? You also reduce employee and management costs. Well-trained employees can help customers better, sell more and work more efficiently. Training can be done with the Spinner in-store advertising system by scheduled broadcasts to in-store monitors, or a library of training materials can be set up with a podcast receiver at each store. Management benefits from important documents such as PDFs, spreadsheets, and Word docs that are distributed to quickly and easily via management podcast receivers.
27 Benefit Three Do you want better sales-to-advertising tracking? Of course you track your sales.
28 Benefit Three Do you want better sales-to-advertising tracking? Spinner lets you track your advertising just as precisely.
29 Benefit Three Do you want better sales-to-advertising tracking? You get instant confirmation when a particular ad runs, as well as daily logs and monthly summaries.
30 Benefit Three Do you want better sales-to-advertising tracking? You can see exactly how your advertising performs in improving sales.
31 Benefit Four How can you increase repeat customer visits? There are several ways that the Spinner in-store advertising system can help you encourage customers to return to your store.
32 Benefit Four How can you increase repeat customer visits? There are several ways that the Spinner in-store advertising system can help you encourage customers to return to your store. You can add a Cable or TV signal into the signage to make waiting for prescriptions more pleasant.
33 Benefit Four How can you increase repeat customer visits? There are several ways that the Spinner in-store advertising system can help you encourage customers to return to your store. You can add a Cable or TV signal into the signage to make waiting for prescriptions more pleasant. You can advertise special-events only in the store.
34 Benefit Four How can you increase repeat customer visits? There are several ways that the Spinner in-store advertising system can help you encourage customers to return to your store. You can add a Cable or TV signal into the signage to make waiting for prescriptions more pleasant. You can advertise special-events only in the store. Multiple layers of content displayed on the advertising monitor conveys a lot of information to the customer quickly.
35 Benefit Four How can you increase repeat customer visits? The Spinner in-store advertising system also serves the community with information like drug-interaction and missing-child alerts.
36 Benefit Four How can you increase repeat customer visits? The Spinner in-store advertising system also serves the community with information like drug-interaction and missing-child alerts. News feeds inform them about current events and weather conditions.
37 Benefit Four How can you increase repeat customer visits? The Spinner in-store advertising system also serves the community with information like drug-interaction and missing-child alerts. News feeds inform them about current events and weather conditions. And it helps your customers react to these events. A rain alert can even trigger an ad for a sale on umbrellas or raincoats.
38 Benefit Five Do you want new streams of revenue? Sell advertising space and time to vendors and advertisers.
39 Benefit Five Do you want new streams of revenue? Sell advertising space and time to vendors and advertisers. Working with Spinner also creates a new channel for you to be able to broadcast alcohol and tobacco advertisements.
40 Benefit Six Wouldn’t it be nice to have better control of your advertising? Podcast scheduling lets you control displays in many stores from a central location, or each store can control its displays independently.
41 Benefit Six Wouldn’t it be nice to have better control of your advertising? Ads can be modified quickly.
42 Benefit Six Wouldn’t it be nice to have better control of your advertising? Any store can retrieve approved video, graphics, text from a company media pool on the server as they need.
43 Benefit Six Wouldn’t it be nice to have better control of your advertising? It also allows vendors to upload content at any time without giving them access to your network.
44 Benefit Six Wouldn’t it be nice to have better control of your advertising? All content must have management authorization before use.
45 Benefit Six Wouldn’t it be nice to have better control of your advertising? The network is secure.
46 Benefit Six Wouldn’t it be nice to have better control of your advertising? No software needs to be installed on your computer to use the web-based podcasting system.
47 Benefit Six Wouldn’t it be nice to have better control of your advertising? No software needs to be installed on your computer to use the web-based podcasting system. The web-based podcasting network allows you to control your advertising from your office or home.
48 Benefit Six Wouldn’t it be nice to have better control of your advertising? No software needs to be installed on your computer to use the web-based podcasting system. The web-based podcasting network allows you to control your advertising from your office or home. For more power, secure management receivers also allow menu-based selection.
49 Problem Solved That’s six ways that Spinner can solve your problems, Mr. Wanamaker. Improved sales of inventory, Better sales-to-advertising tracking, Lowered costs of sale, Increased repeat customer visits, New streams of revenue, and Better control of advertising.
50 Mr. Wanamaker This could help you make a lot of money. What more do you want to know?