Electrical Inventions By: Isaiah Smith
Electrical Cars * Electrical cars were invented in * They were invented by Robert Anderson. * They were used to carry goods more efficiently and to get people around better.
Telephones * The telephone was invented in * It was invented by Elisha Gray and Alexander Graham Bell. * It is used to talk to people from long distance.
Television * The television was invented in * It was invented by Philo Farnsworth. * It was invented to watch shows and listen to important events.
CD player * The CD player was invented in * It was invented by James T. Russell. * It was invented to listen to CD’s and the radio.
Video Cassette * The video cassette was invented in * It was invented by Charles Ginsburg. * It is used to watch movies.
I pad * The I pad was invented in * It was invented by Steve Jobs. * It was used for music, Games, videos, notes, and pictures.
Electricity Is Important ? * Electricity is important because without it we would all be using candles as our lights, and using candles can be dangerous. * Most of the stuff we use today runs on electricity. * Without electricity we wouldn’t have T.V.