Vocabulary Quiz Cloze Review. When goods are produced in large numbers using an assembly line it is called _____________________________. To __________________________.


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Presentation transcript:

Vocabulary Quiz Cloze Review

When goods are produced in large numbers using an assembly line it is called _____________________________. To __________________________ means to make something either by hand or with machines. A _____________________ is a waterway built by people. mass production manufacture canal

The _________________________________ was a time in history when there was a change in the way goods were made. Now instead of being made by hand in the home goods were made in factories by machines. When you drive on a ______________________ you have to pay a _________________. Industrial Revolution turnpike toll

A turnpike is a road that you have to _________ to use. The money that you pay to use the turnpike is called a ________________. A ____________________ is like a water filled elevator, that raises and lowers boats to the needed water level. pay toll lock

A bridge for boats is called an ______________. Robert Fulton invented the _________________. Mass production is the process by which large numbers of goods are made using an _________________________. aqueduct steamboat assembly line

The _______________________ was invented before television, radio, and airplanes. steam engine