WHAT IS DIGITAL MEDIA? Technology- first associated with computer use Multimedia- “more than one media” Digital media- technologies that allow users to create new forms of interaction, expression, communication, and entertainment digitally - term “digital media” is evolving - can completely change the way today’s digital generation learns Interactive digital media- move at their own pace
DIGITAL MEDIA (CONT.) Includes text, graphics, audio, video, animation - graphics help visual learners -animation is a graphic that has the illusion of motion MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface): defines how digital musical devices represent sounds electronically MPEG (Motion Picture Experts Group): includes standards for video compression and decompression
DIGITAL MEDIA APPLICATIONS Use of digital media tech in education, business, and entertainment Simulations: computer-based models of real life situations Computer-based Instruction (CBI): allows individuals to learn by using and completing instructional software on computers Computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL): students working together to learn tasks using current technology - focus on learners
ELECTRONIC BOOKS (AND REFERENCES) E-books became widespread several years ago Digital activity for digital kids Defined as a book-sized computer that allows users to read, save, highlight, bookmark, and add notes to an online text - one such popular e-book is Amazon’s Kindle2 - include many elements of regular books with the touch of a button
ELECTRONIC BOOKS (AND REFERENCES) CONT. Project Gutenberg has over 30,000 literary and reference books and materials available online Electronic reference texts, such as a digital media encyclopedia on a CD or DVD, is simply a digital version of a reference text - electronic media are useful for replacing volumes of material such as in the science and medical fields
HOW-TO GUIDES AND THE DIGITAL PRESS Digital “How-To’s” include useful instructions and interactive demonstrations Digital newspapers, magazines, and journals are digital versions of the mentioned, or distributed on CD, DVD, or the Web Most print magazines and newspapers have companion websites Electronic magazines, or the “e-zine,” is an actual digital publication on the Web Educators have access to hundreds of online education journals covering a variety of curriculums
ENTERTAINMENT AND EDUTAINMENT Computer games often will combine simulation, animation, audio, video, and graphics to create a realistic and entertaining game Edutainment is defined as an experience meant to be educational and entertaining Virtual reality is the use of a computer to create an artificial environment that appears and feels like a real one - converged media combines virtual reality with live performance
INFORMATION KIOSKS, DIGITAL MEDIA, AND THE WWW An info kiosk is a computerized information or reference center that allows the user to select options to browse through or find specific information Most of the information on the WWW relies on digital media
WEB-BASED TRAINING AND DISTANT LEARNING WBT(web-based training)-training using technologies such as the Internet and WWW. Self-directed and paced learning Distance learning, distance education, Web-based education and distributed learning are the delivery of education from one location to another or learning at a remote location.
NONTRADITIONAL COURSES Web-based(or online) course-a course taught mostly or completely online, outside the traditional classroom. Blended course-combination of online and face-to-face learning Web-enhanced courses is a traditional course that uses Web content to enhance the course content.
COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES Web-based courses prove beneficial to students that commute, work full-time, or have scheduling conflicts. Some fully accredited universities only offer online courses.
HIGH SCHOOLS Many states offer web-based learning to homebound students. Rural and less populated areas use web-based learning to share limited teachers. Also, prevents overcrowding in more populated areas.
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT TRAINING Web-based learning provides more efficient means of professional development. Less summer in-service Reduced need for substitutes Self-paced training-teachers signup for a specific module or course and after completion Instructor-led training-provides structure and continuous interaction Including assignments, schedules, and due dates.
EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS Educational software application refers to computer software products used to support teaching and learning of subject-relate content. Such as many websites that work alongside books to test skills, give instant feedback and review.
EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS CAI(Computer-assisted instruction)-software designed to help teach facts, information, and/or skills associated with subject-related materials. Drill-and-practice software-supplies factual information and then through repetitive exercises allows students to memorize information. Remediation- reviewing content many times using alternative ways until a student grasps the concept being taught.
EDUCATIONAL GAMES Educational games usually include a set of rules, and students compete against other students or the game itself. Effective due to repetition and practice Induces a fun way to learn
MORE EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS Tutorials-teaching program designed to help individuals learn to use a product or concept. Educational computer simulation(video game)-computerized model of real life that represents a physical or simulated process. Allows the user to manipulate variables to change the outcome
EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS Integrated learning system-sophisticated software program usually developed by an established educational software corporation as complete educational software solution in one package. Provide continuous monitoring of students’ performance Automatically adjusts instruction when needed Content available at multiple levels
CURRICULUM-SPECIFIC EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARE Applications designed for curriculum specific teaching and learning and can be organized in categories Creativity, Critical Thinking, Early Learning, ESL/Foreign Language, Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies By no means are those the only areas available. Can be more specific.
DIGITAL MEDIA PRESENTATIONS Digital media presentations-producing various digital media elements, defining the elements’ relationships to each other, and then sequencing them in an appropriate order. Digital media authorizing software lets you create the application or presentation by controlling the placement of texts and graphics and duration of sounds, videos, and animations. PowerPoint and iLife
PRESENTING DIGITAL MEDIA Data projectors- a device that projects the image that appears on the screen onto a large screen so an audience can see the image clearly. Interactive whiteboards- electronic whiteboard that allows you to use the board as a presentation system SMART Board- touch-sensitive system that allows you to control any computer application. Write notes, draw diagrams, and highlight.
IN CONCLUSION Teachers can use digital media software as a productivity tool and as an integration tool. Applications allow you to introduce new concepts, present lectures, and provide access to new information and interact directly with the software.
THE END Thanks for your time and attention.