Random Number Generation Section 3.10 Section 4.12
Outline Observations from the last week’s lab Anatomy of a Verilog Program More about Verilog – Including a file – Test a Module with a Random Sequence Example: NAND Implementation of a NOT Gate The NAND Implementation of a NOR Gate – Implementation Using 74LS00
Observations from Last Thursday’s Lab (1) The verilog code should be saved in a *.v file, e.g. – fig3p37.v is the file name – to execute the simulation, you need to type verilog +gui fig3p37.v &
Observations from Last Thursday’s Lab (2) Correction: Remove semicolon from the end of timescale line.
Observations from Last Thursday’s Lab (3) Correction: Use a backward quote (`), not a single quote (‘)
Observations from Last Thursday’s Lab (4) Definition of the module fig3p37 is the module name. I1 is the instance of the module. Comment: You need both modules!
Observations from Last Thursday’s Lab (5) System! Source file "fig3p37.v" cannot be opened for reading [Verilog-SFCOR] Solution: verilogSandBox]$ chmod 755 fig3p37.v
Question // comments out a line
Question: How do I get the play button back? If you comment out $stop and stop the simulation by using Initial #200 $finish, you will not get the play button. What do you do then?
Solution: Simulation ->Reinvoke Simulator
Select Yes
You Get the Play Button Back! Play button
Review of What We have Learned A minimalist’s view of a verilog Module A minimalist’s view of a module test bench
Anatomy of a Verilog Module module fig3p37 (A,B,C,D,E); output D,E; input A,B,C; wire w1; and G1(w1,A,B); not G2(E,C); or G3(D,w1,E); endmodule
module....endmodule module fig3p37 (A,B,C,D,E); output D,E; input A,B,C; wire w1; and G1(w1,A,B); not G2(E,C); or G3(D,w1,E); endmodule Always start the verilog program with the keyword pair module…endmodule The keyword module must always be terminated by the keyword endmodule.
output/input module fig3p37 (A,B,C,D,E); output D,E; input A,B,C; wire w1; and G1(w1,A,B); not G2(E,C); or G3(D,w1,E); endmodule 1.output/input 2.wire
Program Body module fig3p37 (A,B,C,D,E); output D,E; input A,B,C; wire w1; and G1(w1,A,B); not G2(E,C); or G3(D,w1,E); endmodule Program body
Anatomy of a Test Bench Test Bench 1.`timescale 2.module module_tb (,,,)…endmodule 3.ouput,reg 4.Invoke the module 5.Define the input vector
Use `include to reference a file Troubleshooting Exercise: verilog +gui fig3p37.v &
Introduce a Random Test Vector flip_me function Q: What is the function of this module?
flip_me_tb.v Test Bench Definition: Feed a random sequence of binary numbers to flip_me.v A=random input B=flipped version of A
Test Bench for flip_me.v Reference: Mano page
`timescale Comment out time scale Each time interval is one second.
include flip_me.v
Define outputs,reg We will read random numbers from a file. The random numbers are stored in t_A. vectornum is the index of the t_A. At the falling edge of the t_clock, a random numbers stored in t_A is transferred to A.
flip_me.v is called.
1000 time intervals will be simulated.
Clock Generation t_clock is initially 0. t_clock is flipped every 5 time intervals. The period of t_clock is 10 time intervals.
Read numbers from an input file Random number is stored in t_A.
Update at NegEdge of t_clock At negative edge of t_clock, transfer the random number from t_A to A.
Monitor Numbers Monitor numbers
Run Verilog Using Command- line $monitor only displays the results when A changes. Actual sequence: …
Implement NOR with NANDs C D E F A, B as inputs C,D, E as wires F as output G1 G2 G3G4
nor_with_nand_tb.v Use flip_me_tb.v as a guide. Complete the code for nor_with_nand_tb.v