Networks: Best practices and regional strategies Emorn Wasantwisut Institute of Nutriton Mahidol University.


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Presentation transcript:

Networks: Best practices and regional strategies Emorn Wasantwisut Institute of Nutriton Mahidol University

National F&N Committee Organization Chart of Thailand National Food & Nutrition Committee SC on Planning SC on Technical support SC on Public Relations Secretariat ParticipatingMinistries Provincial F&N Committee Institute of Nutrition Mahidol University Institute of Food Research & Product Development Health, Agriculture Education, Interior University

Policy & program Research Training planner prog mgr community academic

Prevalence of underweight from surveillance system percent year 1st degree MN 1st degree MN 2nd degree MN 2nd degree MN 3rd degree MN 3rd degree MN

Policy & program (member countries) Research WHO-SEARO Clearing- house -NRDC, Bogor, Indonesia -NIN/Hyderabad, India -MSU-Baroda, India -INMU, Thailand SEA-Nutrition Research-cum-Action Network

Key issues-Networking Common Goal/Objective Role and Responsibility Resources Commitment

CASNA I I I I I I Food Safety I I I I I I Double Burden I I I I I I Food Security Capacity Strengthening in Nutrition in Asia: Built to Last I I I I I I Double Burden Leadership Research Management Technical Writing

Training courses at CFTRI, Mysore, India -Food safety (Apr 3-7) INF/UNU/IUNS Intl Symposium plus training in research mgt/communication, metrological concepts (Jun 18-25)-Mysore Declaration Participants: Asia, Latin America, Africa CASNA-LINKED ACTIVITIES 2006

Workshop on Strategic Research Plan (5-9 February, 2007) Participants: Institution Research Team Resource Team (Tufts,INF) NIN/ Vietnam INMU/ Thailand Draft Strategic Plan National Research Agenda