How to Count Currency Reneshia Wash
Grade Level : 2 nd grade Subject : Science Summary : The purpose of this Instructional Power Point is to aid students in learning how to count currency Objective : What are ocean currents? Standards : GLE Investigate the how different currency is in other countries GLE Recognize the importance that currency have on citizens.
Info/Instructions The difference between American money and other countries. Different currency have an different affect on how you can spend it and what it is worth. Now we’re going to test your knowledge. So follow along with the power point and see if you will be able to identify and describe each currency. To get started click on the green button below:
Question One: How much is a one dollar bill from America is worth in quarters? A. 50cents B. 25cents C. 75 cents D. None of the above
Great Job!! Your Answer Choice Is CORRECT…
Question Two: How much is an American 20 dollar bill worth in Mexico? A cents b. 10 dollars A. 30 dollars
Correct!! Great Job.. your answer is the correct one!
Question Three: Which answer below would be counted as 100 dollar bill in pesos? A. Cien B. Trienta C. nueve
Incorrect!! You got the answer wrong… Lets Try Again!
Summary… After completing this PowerPoint the student should have some understanding of how differentiate the between American money and other countries. If there’s more that the students want to do to get a better understanding, feel free to check out the links below. me me e/ /164155/ html e/ /164155/ html