A Dog’s Place Our doggy daycare by Morgan
What we provide for your animals ➢ We provide food for your dogs. ➢ We train your dogs for no extra cost. ➢ We only cost $15.00/dog per day. ➢ We provide toys for your dogs. ➢ We provide a room for your dogs. ➢ If your dogs have a favorite bed, toys, or food, you can bring it, and we will give it back. ➢ We play with them. ➢ We put a TV in the dogs’ rooms if they like to watch TV. ➢ We put food and water in their room in case they need a snack or a drink at night. ➢ We will check on them throughout the night in case they need to go outside. ➢ If your dogs need a leash or anything, you can bring it and we will give it back. ➢ We have a fenced in yard too. ➢ If it is raining outside, we have an indoor play area.
Our Doggy Daycare
More about us ➢ We have dogs that we rescued, and you can come in and buy one. ➢ Our rescue dogs cost $ for a puppy, and $ for a full sized dog. ➢ We also train the dogs we rescue. ➢ You can bring your pet in for grooming. ➢ It cost $10.00 per dog for grooming, ➢ We also have a pet store for you to shop for your pets.
These dogs need your LOVE
We are the best doggy daycare in the whole country! If you have any questions, call the number below (717) If you call now, you will receive 1 free toy of your choice for your dog! Come Down Today! We are located in Hershey.
This is not an actual place. I made up the information for my customized project by looking at other doggy day cares. References: