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The Great Depression
As you watch the video, write down how key ideas that come to mind. 1. How do these images make you feel and why? 2. Based on these photographs, how do you think life was like during the Great Depression era? INTRODUCTION VIDEO
With your partner, come up with 10 adjectives that describes the pictures in the video. HAND UP, STAND UP, PAIR UP
Video: Bubble Map: 7 facts DEPRESSION
Words to Know 1.Secret Ballot 2.Depression 3.Live at Home program Essential Question: “How did Depression-era bank failures & job losses affect North Carolinians?” SECTION 2: THE GREAT DEPRESSION HITS NC
Intro Gov. Max Gardner faced greatest problems during Depression years ( ) Gardner supported secret ballot (voter decides in a private booth)
The Great Depression Depression=a downturn in economic activity: prices fall, banks fail, people lose jobs The lack of consumers to buy goods in a timely manner helped to create the Great Depression Masses of people withdrawing money from banks forced them to close
Live at Home Program Sharecroppers & mill workers suffered first in NC had very little to fall back on Famers participated in the “Live at Home” program, where they used seeds bought by local gov’t to grow food & raise items usually bought at stores
Read Great Depression Article as a class. Article and video of Florence Thomas Article and video of Florence Thomas ARTICLE
Why do you think Tobacco industry made such great profits during the Great Depression while other businesses struggled to survive? THINK, PAIR, SHARE