ECONOMIC TROUBLES Who is struggling at the end of the 20’s? What are price supports and how would they have helped farmers? How did buying on credit affect the situation of the 1920’s?
HOOVER TAKES OVER What political party did Hoover support? What is the Dow Jones and how did it work? Explain the significance of speculation and buying on margin with stocks.
STOCK MARKET CRASH Oct 24 th, 1929 what happened? When was Black Tuesday and what happened this day? Why did banks fail during the Great Depression?
HOOVER IN OFFICE What happened when the Hawley-Smoot Tariff was passed? Who are the Bonus Army? What did they want? What happened to them?
WHO THE DEPRESSION AFFECTED Individuals: They lost all they had, felt distrust for the American government, low esteem Banks: Many went bankrupt, lost the people’s trust Large Business: Overproduction of goods, low consumerism led to bankruptcies for many
SCENES FROM THE DEPRESSION Imagine you were one of the people in the picture here. What would you expect the government to do? How could Hoover have made a difference?
THE DEPRESSION GETS WORSE How did the Dust bowl compound the problems of the Depression? What could we do today if something like this occurred? 8I&feature=relmfu&safety_mode=true&persist_safet y_mode =1&safe=active (clip from Tsunami)