Chapter 12 - Section 1 Questions
What did Herbert Hoover say about poverty in one of his campaign speeches in 1928? He said, “We shall soon …. be in sight of the day when poverty will be banished from this nation.”
How much did it cost to live decently in 1929? How many people were able to live decently? It cost 2,500 a year to live decently. 29% of Americans could live decently?
If people were not making much money, how could they afford to buy stocks and other goods? They bought other goods on crdit and used buying on margin to buy stock they could not afford.
How was the Great depression different from earlier economic depressions? This one last a long time (1929 – WWII) and caused more suffering here in the U.S. and around the world.
Why did Hoover become unpopular with many Americans? He opposed the government helping people and he had the Bonus Army attacked.
Why did WWI veterans gather in Washington, D.C., in 1932? They wanted Congress to pass a law that would pay them their WWI bonus early.
Who removed the veterans? General Douglas MacArthur drove the Bonus Army out of Washington, D.C.
Douglas Macarthur
How did the treatment of the Bonus Army protesters affect the 1932 election? Americans turned against Hoover and FDR won all but 6 states in the 1932 election.