Delivering clinical research to make patients, and the NHS, better Upper GI SSG March 2015 Research Wendy Cook, Research Delivery Manager dd/mm/yyyy
Cover Overview of network changes Overview of research activity Discussion re new studies for the portfolio 2 r
History April 2013 Cancer Network dissolved SSG’s in the main stopped in Peninsula Network Historically Peninsula Cancer Research Network RD&E, N Devon, S Devon, Plymouth and RCHT 1 of 32 Cancer networks Peninsula, a very successful network Governed by the NCRN (National cancer research Network) April 2014 Research Transition
Transition 15 Local Research Networks, Nationally. I LRN has 30 specialties Geographical changes Area now includes Musgrove Park and Yeovil New name CRN: South West Peninsula (Local Research Network) Local governance 1 funding stream Funding given to Trusts in 1 block, not broken down into cancer, diabetes, stroke etc 4
South West Peninsula CRN HospitalSize Yeovil District Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Small Acute Taunton and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust Medium Acute Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust Small Acute Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust Large Acute South Devon Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust Medium Acute Plymouth Hospitals NHS TrustLarge Acute Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS TrustLarge Acute
Structure 6
Management of Division Performance Management and portfolio development LPMS (EdGE) RAG review FPFV and T2T Tracking of EOI return rates Identification of new studies and promotion Level 1 and level 2 studies, commercial and non commercial Identify blocks and escalate e.g. ETC’s, supporting services Coordinate regional team meetings/forums, workshops, share good practice, work collaboratively Attend national cancer research meetings Attend SSG’s Providing recruitment data and trials information to the SSG Support Peer Review 7
Recruitment StudyOrgan Commercial/non- commercial Interventional/ observationalSites Recruitment 14/15 Recruitment 14/15 National CANC-3482 JANUS 1: Ruxolitinib or placebo + capecitabine in pancreatic adenocarcinomaPancreasCommercial PHT07 ESPAC 4PancreasNon-commercialInterventionalYDH391 NDDH1 PHT1 FACINGOesophagus/stomachNon-commercialInterventionalTST16 GO2OesophagusNon-commercialInterventionalTST079 RCHT4 YDH1 NeoSCOPE: neoadjuvant- study of chemoradiotherapy in oesophageal cancerOesophagusNon-commercialInterventionalRD&E00 OCCAMS: multicentre study determining predictive biomarkers and targets for oesophageal adenocarcinomaOesophagusNon-commercialObservationalPHT25501 ORANGE II PlusLiverNon-commercialInterventionalPHT322 ROMIO feasibility: RCT if minially invasive or open oesophagectomy v1OesophagusNon-commercialInterventionalPHT25102 RTL advanced studyOesophagusNon-commercialObservationalTST142 SIEGE Non-commercialInterventionalRCHT056 ST03StomachNon-commercialInterventionalTST5172 TACE-2LiverNon-commercialInterventionalPHT357 8
New studies in set up Add Aspirin A phase III double-blind placebo-controlled randomised trial assessing the effects of aspirin on disease recurrence and survival after primary therapy in common non-metastatic solid tumours. EORTC 40091/BOS2 Randomised Phase II trial evaluating the efficacy of FOLFOX alone, FOLFOX plus bevacizumab as perioperative treatment in patients with resectable liver metastases from wild type KRAS colorectal cancer 9
Pancreas IDISRCTNAcronymTitlePrimStudyDesignActiveStatusOpenToNewSites PANasta Cattell Warren versus Blumgart technique s of pancreatico- jejunostomy following pancreato duodenectomy a double blinded multicentred trial.InterventionalIn Set-Up Pending NHS PermissionYes, within lead country only Radiocyst 01 A phase II multicentre trial of endoscopic ultrasound guided radiofrequency ablation of cystic tumours of the pancreas.ObservationalIn Set-Up Pending NHS PermissionYes, within lead country only SCALOP-2 A multi-centre randomised study of induction chemotherapy followed by capecitabine (+/-nelfinavir) with high or standard dose radiotherapy for locally advanced non-metastatic pancreatic cancerInterventionalIn Set-Up Pending NHS PermissionYes, within and outside lead country SEQTOR Randomized open label study to compare the efficacy and safety of everolimus follo wed by chemotherapy with STZ- 5FU upon progression or the reverse sequ ence, chemotherapy with STZ 5FU followed by everolimus upon progression, in advanced progressive pNE TsInterventionalIn Set-Up Pending NHS PermissionYes, within and outside lead country 10
Division 1 Duncan Wheatley, Clinical Specialty Lead Wendy Cook, Research Delivery Manager Ann Courtman, Administrator Subspecialty lead Post vacant. Please contact Duncan Wheatley if you would like to find out more information re the post 11
An invite to Cancer Research Symposium From Clinical Trials to Clinical Practice Hosted by RD&E Jenny Forrest & Kate Scatchard, Consultant Clinical Oncologists at Gipsy Hill Hotel, Exeter Friday 15 th May 2015 Contact for more information