Presented by Joe Boffa Bev Bricker Courtney Doussett
Multiple Correlation Coefficient The BIG R Correlation between 1 variable Y and a set of predictors R
Multiple Correlation Coefficient Takes into t0 account ALL variables - the association of all variables together has a maximum value of 1.
Squared Correlation Coefficient R 2 The squared Correlation Coefficient between Y and a set of 1 or more predictor variables. R
Multicollinearity predictor variables are highly correlated
Pearson Correlation The most common correlation coefficient The relationship of Y and X shown by (little) r. X = independent variable (IV) Y= dependent variable (DV)
Hockey 1
Discuss with a partner the possible variables you would want to research for your own dissertation. These may be items surfacing as you continue in your literature study.
a56o&feature=fvwrelhttp:// a56o&feature=fvwrel hockey 2
Open SPSS and open the data set entitled World 95 that we ed to you yesterday,
The simple way