PERCUSSION INSTRUMENT Percussion instruments are designed to make unique noises when you hit them with a mallet or your hand. Percussion instruments are separated into two groups Membranophones and Idiophones. Membranophones are instrument that have a stretched membrane or drum head covering a hollow shell. Idiophones are instruments without a membrane that creates sound when the instrument itself is made to vibrate. A drum kit includes a bass drum, snare drum, tongs and cymbals. MembranophonesIdiophones HOME
BRASS INSTRUMENTS A brass instrument is played by blowing through it, you would have to purse up your lips to make a vibrating noise. To make a high note you purse your lips tightly and to make a low note you have to relax your lips. Also, the longer the tube the lower the pitch. Did you know that the length of the tuba is as long as 5.5 metres. HOME
STRING INSTRUMENTS Stringed instruments are played by flicking the string with your thumb, finger or small piece of plastic. A resonator is a hollow structure made out of wood or metal. This amplifies the sound waves from a vibrating string. It makes it sound louder and fuller. The oldest instrument is a lyre. It’s probably a lie. HOME
WOODWIND INSTRUMENT Woodwind instruments are tubes with holes along it. It has a series of notes running down. Flutes, saxophones, clarinets are all woodwind instruments. Air is blown into the instrument through this to make music. With flutes and recorders, you blow air over an edge in the mouthpiece. The clarinet and saxophones have this in their mouthpiece which vibrates to get the air inside the instrument moving, this is called single reed. Oboes use a double reed that produces even more vibration, this is called double reed. HOME