Numbers Division
Numbers There are a number of different ways to dividing numbers. There are even different ways of writing down how to divide numbers!
Numbers From our earliest days in primary school we have been used to using this symbol ÷ We might also have been introduced to placing one number over another 4 8 We see this as a fraction, which is exactly what it is. It is the same as saying 4 ÷ 8
Numbers If we turn the number upside down, we have a ‘top heavy ‘ fraction 8 4 This is the same as saying what is 8 divided by 4? The answer to that is 2
Numbers Things tend to get a little bit more difficult when we start to divide up a large number. If we needed to divide 144 by 6, we could use the ‘bus stop’ method into 1 does not go = 0 6 into 14 goes twice (12) = 2 6 into 24 goes 4 times = 4 carry the one carry 2 over
Numbers What really helps is if you know your times tables, otherwise you spend a lot of time working out how many times one number goes into another. Another example into 1 does not go = 0 4 into 15 goes 3 times (12) = 3 4 into 36 goes 9 times = 9 carry the one Carry 3 over
Numbers But what happens when you have to divide a large number by a large number? Well it is exactly the same. Look at this example: into 4 does not go = 0 14 into 44 goes 3 times (42) = 3 14 into 28 goes 2 times = 2 carry the 4 Carry 2 over