The Great Society
With JFK’s assassination, Lyndon B. Johnson takes over as president Background LBJ was a very strong minded politician who came form a poor family He was an inner city teacher before he turned to politics Saw first hand the poor side of American life Worked his way up through Congress to be one of the most influential senators Used the “Johnson treatment” to get things passed Bargained, twisted arms, did favors
The Great Society The Public was concerned as to how Johnson would treat the ideals that JFK had tried to pass through Johnson felt the same as JFK and continued with the policies that he had started Tax cuts, passed a major civil rights bill War on Poverty This became what Johnson had fought for the most Came up with the Great Society
The Great Society The Great Society Government programs that were designed to help America become a perfect and equitable society Health and Welfare Medicare, Medicaid Education Head Start War on Poverty Housing and Urban Developing Act Consumer and Environmental Protection Clean air acts
The Great Society Did it work? Some people saw many benefits Thousands of lives were improved Programs were not thought out Hard to manage Very costly Problems were too great for them to change overnight Some programs still around