nedy_assassination_conspiracy_theories nedy_assassination_conspiracy_theories ohn_f_kennedy.html ohn_f_kennedy.html 1.htm 1.htm
The reason why I think Lee Harvey Oswald and the Mob did it is because the gun used in the shooting and the bullets was the same exact ones as his rifle and there were 3 shots fired back to back. It would have taken a rifle longer to reload. When he was shot he was shot once in the neck and the head. When he was first shot his head fell to the side then back. So if the first shot came from the side which was when they were passing Oswald’s job then where did the second shot come from? Also Oswald worked in the Schoolbook Depository Building and after the shooting Oswald was nowhere to be found when his boss was locating all employees. Also when the police went to his house to look for his gun it wasn’t where his wife thought it would be, it was gone. After Kennedy became president him and his brother began arresting members of the Mob who actually helped him get the job so basically they were betraying the Mob. JFK befriended Sam Giancana this angered the Mob. If anything the Mob and Lee was working together because how would they both shoot him at the same time? Robert Kennedy was later shot dead, he who was helping Kennedy arrest the members of the Mob. It all ties together.