E XPOSURE Exposure controls the brightness and contrast of a photo. Original Exposure
C ONTRAST Controls the darkness of a photo OriginalContrast (increased)
I NCREASING H IGHLIGHTS Increasing the highlights in a photo brightens the colors. OriginalHighlights
I NCREASING S HADOWS Decreasing the shadows brightens up the photo while increasing the shadow, darkens the photo OriginalShadows
C OLORS Colors controls the colors in the photo and makes them stand out or dull. Original Color
S ATURATION Saturation can brighten or dull the colors in a photo OriginalSaturation
T EMPERATURE Temperature affects the color of the whole photo Turning the temperature all the way down to 0 gives the photo a neutral color tone but anything less than 0 gives it a blue color tone Turning the temperature all the way up to 100 gives the photo a red-orange color tone. Original(0) Temperature (100)
C ROP Crop means to cut off Cropping a photo is useful when you want to get rid of the extra space to focus on one point. Original Cropped Image
S HARPEN Sharpening an image helps define an image better. OriginalSharpened
E FFECTS Effects change the photo’s color and tint. Original Effects
S EPIA Sepia changes the colors to a brown-orange color tone. OriginalSepia
T INT Tint changes the whole photo by changing the colors in the whole photo. OriginalTint
D UOTONE Duotone is two colors in a photo; a lighter color and a darker color. OriginalDuotone
H UE Adjusting the hue of an image changes the overall color of the photo. OriginalHue Adjusted
L IGHTNESS When the lightness is increased to 100 the image was brightened OriginalLightness(100)
B ULGE Bulge makes the area bigger and distorted in the an image. It makes the area seem as though it were being looked at through a peephole. Bulge could be used when making a collage for a friend and you want to make a fun, silly photo. OriginalBulge
P INCH Pinch zooms in on an area. Pinch can be used to make a silly photo or to put extra emphasis on a certain object or area of the photo. Original Pinched
O PACITY Opacity is how transparent a photo can be to show the photo behind it. When the opacity is decreased it allows you to see the photo behind it when it is layered. Original Opacity
C OLOR S PLASH OriginalColor Splash
T HEME E FFECTS OriginalSanta Land Theme
P IXELATE OriginalPixelate
S POTLIGHT OriginalSpotlight
G RUNGE OriginalGrunge