Meeting for review of the progress of BGREI Dr. Yogeshwar Singh Jr. Sci. cum Asstt. Prof. Rajendra Agricultural University Pusa, Bihar
Progress of BGREI and other crop development programmes Nine scientists have been assigned for this purpose Constraints were identified Suitable technologies for enhancing rice crop productivity and profitability disseminated in participatory manner Regular monitoring and interactions are going on Rabi planning and its execution is in progress
Identified Constraints & solutions ConstraintsTechnologies disseminated Poor soil healthGreen manuring (4 lakh ha) Cultivation of traditional/low yielding cultivars Promotion of HYV’s and Hybrids (4 lakh ha) of rice No seed treatmentProper seed treatment of their seeds Transplanting of over-aged seedlingsTimely transplanting of healthy seedlings Improper nutrient managementINM and SSNM Improper and untimely weed management Use of suitable and appropriate dose of herbicides Poor water managementPromotion of SRI technology as per its suitability Poor insect, pest and disease management Appropriate insect, pest and disease management
Rabi preparedness Interaction meeting of scientists of RAU along with hon’ble APC, Bihar in July, 2011 regarding rabi planning Rabi planning has been divided in two phase Phase I: Pulses and oilseeds Phase II: Wheat
Strategy for wheat (Rabi Phase II) Wheat Technologies identified: Land leveling through Laser leveler Emphasis on timely sowing with appropriate high yielding varieties Zero tillage sowing of wheat crop along with use of herbicides INM and SSNM Use of appropriate post emergence herbicides according to weed spp. dominancy Promotion of “System of Wheat intensification”
Strategy for wheat (Rabi Phase II) Few problem of only brown rust and that to at later stage So no strategy for it. Screening of cultivars resistant to negative impact of climate change particularly terminal heat has been carrying out under RKVY sponsored scheme.
Strategy for pulses(Rabi Phase I) Pulses, oilseeds and Rabi Maize Technologies identified: Relay cropping of lentil or linseed for timely sowing Pigeon pea or vegetable pea intercropping in rabi maize Planting of pigeon pea (Bahar, Sharad and Pusa-9) on ridges Intercropping of pigeon pea with turmeric, yambean, ginger Seed inoculation with suitable rhizobium culture Timely use of pre emergence herbicides