2 LOCATION OF THE PROJECT At Km of Akhanda Godavari Left Bank Longitude 81°- 35’ – 56” E Latitude 17°- 8’ – 30” N Near Katheru village 5 km from Rajahmundry
3 SALIENT FEATURES Water proposed to be lifted cumecs. Ayacut proposed to be irrigated - 36,000 Acs. Drinking water facilities to 1,20,000 population in 28 villages.
4 ADMINISTRATIVE APPROVAL Administrative approval was accorded vide G.O.Ms.No.135, dt Sanctioned estimate no.& amount CR.No.49/ , dt , Rs.97,07,38,000 Work entrusted to M/s.Koya & Co.Construction Pvt. Ltd.,Hyderabad. Agreement No.& Value 67/ , dt Rs.85,56,59,700
6 PROJECT COMPONENTS Stage I:- Lifting of water from River Godavari at KM of Akhanda Godavari Left Bank from to Ayacut benefitted 2,000 Acs existing ayacut. Stage II (a):- Lifting of water from to m. Ayacut benefitted 2,250 Acs existing ayacut. Stage II (b):- Lifting of water from to m Ayacut benefitted 25,750 Acs new ayacut. Stage III (From stage II main canal):- Lifting of water from to m Ayacut benefitted 6,000 Acs
7 LAND ACQUISITION Land to be acquired for Head works, pressure main 69 Acs. Land to be acquired for Distributory system 153 Acs.
8 BENEFITS On completion of the pumping scheme 21, MT of food grains valued at crores will be produced annually. Drinking water facility for a population of 1,20,000 people living in 28 villages. B.C. ratio 3.38:1
9 POWER & WATER REQUIREMENT Water Requirement: 3.62 TMC Power Requirement:10 MW
10 BUDGET & EXPENDITURE M.H.161 Venkatanagaram Pumping Scheme 530 Major works Budget Expen. (Rs. in Lakhs) 531 Other Expenditure 7,000 4, Lands