Instructor: Robert Hiromoto Office: CAES Room 258 Phone: (CAES) Class hours: W 7:00pm - 9:45pm (Idaho Falls) Classroom: TAB 160 Office hours: TBA Parallel Algorithms
Textbooks: Introduction to Parallel: Design and Analysis of Algorithms (2nd Edition), V. Kumar et al., Benjamin and Cummings In class notes Parallel Algorithms
Recommended Reference Textbooks: Fundamentals of Sequential and Parallel Algorithms, by K.A. Berman and J.L. Paul, PWS Publishing Co Algorithms Sequential and Parallel - A Unified Approach (2nd Edition), Russ Miller and Laurence Boxer, Cengage Charles River Media, 2005 Parallel Algorithms
Course Description: The course emphasizes the analysis of parallel algorithms in terms of efficiency and scalability Emphasis is placed on fundamental results, techniques and the rigorous analysis of parallel algorithm complexity. The relationship between algorithmic structure and parallel mapping strategies will be covered. Parallel Algorithms
Course Description (cont.): Formal analysis of parallel algorithm complexity; measures of parallel efficiency; relationship between algorithm structure and parallel mapping strategies; the consequences of spatial- and temporal- locality. Parallel Algorithms
Topics and Chapters: Review of algorithm analysis – 1 week - Big O, Θ, and Ω notation - Best-, worst-, and average-case performance - Notes on parallel algorithms Interconnection networks & their communication complexity (Chapter 2) – 1.5 weeks Parallel Algorithms
Topics and Chapters: Design of Parallel algorithms (Chapter 3) – 2 weeks Basic Communication operations – (Chapter 4) 2.5 weeks Parallel Algorithms
Topics and Chapters: Analytical Modeling of Scalable Systems (Chapter 5) – 2 weeks FFT (Chapter 13) – 2 weeks Additional Topics (?) – 2 weeks - Linear System solvers - Sorting - Graph algorithms - Dynamic programming Parallel Algorithms
Prerequisites: CS 395 Analysis of Algorithms or consent of the instructor. GRADING: Homework (50%). Midterm Examination (20%). Term Project (30%) EXAMINATION SCHEDULE: TBA. Parallel Algorithms
Course expectations – a term project: The design of a parallel algorithm with a formal complexity analysis. Parallel Algorithms