2006 Census Products and Services Line: Proposed Directions April 10, 2006 DLI, Guelph, Ontario Charles Watson // Stuart Fyffe
Census major releases: strategy and schedule; Overall strategy of the 2006 Census dissemination program; Some general directions and proposed new initiatives in regard to the product line; Discussion & next steps Overview of Presentation
Products designed specifically for the Internet, such as Community Profiles, Highlight Tables and Analytic Series were popular with users; Finding data within the Census Internet module was sometimes difficult; there is a need for better organization, packaging and integration; In general, received a variety of specific comments on individual products from the consultations which we are assessing as we develop 2006 products; Municipalities and community groups not as well-served with current access on the Internet to census subdivision (community) and census tract (city neighbourhood) data. Background: feedback from users on the 2001 Census
Inform Canadians about Census results & data available; Increase the public’s interest in Census data: relevance/value of census data to inform societal/policy issues; Obtain extended media coverage over an extended period; Thank the general public for participating in the census Census Release Strategy: Objectives
Development of a census analytic program according to broad themes to showcase the strength and value of census data to Canadians and policy-makers; Proposing 8 major releases, 2 scheduled analytic releases, and an early geography release: Grouping of some topics slightly different in 2006 based on feedback/experience of the 2001 releases; Will look at ways to expand the analysis beyond the major releases; January 2007 – early release of selected geography products (i.e. cartographic boundary file, GEOSEARCH – no counts, boundaries only); Release Strategy Proposal for 2006
For each major release, there will be: A dedicated Daily Analytic document(s) with national, provincial/territorial and regional analysis Various data products including highlight tables and possible multi-media presentations (e.g. historical age-sex pyramids); New for analytic releases following the release of some standard products (Mobility, Housing): Release selected tables early for census data users, but release later a dedicated analytic article when additional census variables are available for richer analysis; A dedicated analytic release for Housing (none in 2001); Release Strategy Proposal for 2006
Where Canadians Live Population & Dwelling Counts: Release #1 (February 2007) Demographic Change in Canada The Aging of Canadians: Release #2 (June 2007) The Diversity of Families: Release #3 (September 2007) Canadians on the Move: selected tables/data available in Release #4 (Nov. 2007); analytical article (May/June 2008) Housing Conditions in Canada Selected tables/data available in Release #3 (Sept. 2007); analytical article (May/June 2008) Analytic Themes & Release Articles
Analytic Themes (cont’d) The Diversity of Canadians The Languages Canadians Speak: Release #4 (Nov. 2007) Canada’s Immigrant Population: Release #4 (Nov. 2007) Language Use at Work: Release #6 (Feb. 2008) Canada’s Multicultural Communities: Release #7 (March 2008) Aboriginal Peoples of Canada Their Demographic Conditions: Release #5 (December 2007) Education and Work Labour Force Activity and Education: Release #6 (Feb. 2008) Where Canadians Work and How They Get There: selected tables/data available in Release #6 (Feb. 2008); analytical article Release #7 (March 2008) Income of Canadians: Release #8 (April 2008)
Build on the success of 2001, offering a range of products disseminated via the Internet; Promote census data as much as possible, making it accessible and relevant to the information needs of a broad range of data users; Strengthen the product line in response to the increasing demand for more community level data; Better organize and package the information on the census Internet module Census Products and Services Line: Overall Strategy
2006 Census products and services line will have the same five basic components as in 2001… Standard: A range of profiles for standard geographies; Topic-based tabulations; Some print products; Products for the research community (e.g. PUMF); Reference (e.g. Dictionary/Handbook, User & Technical Guides); Analysis series (looking at expanding for 2006); Geography products & services (e.g. Road Network Files available earlier; all reference maps available on line); Custom products and services Census Products and Services Line: General Direction
Very popular with census data users: looking at trying to standardize content across profiles as much as possible for 2006; Will produce a set of profiles for a range of geographic levels as in 2001; Looking at having the semi-custom basic profile similar in content as the standard cumulative profile; New for will have a set of “characteristic” profiles for diverse populations: Considering to produce for ethnic groups, immigrants, Aboriginal groups, detailed occupations; seniors/ youth, for example; Were actually produced in 2001 as topic-based tabulations, but difficult to find; Will re-package for 2006 so that are easier to find and use Census Products and Services Line: Profiles
About 600 topic-based tabulations produced in 2001 for a variety of geographic levels and census topics; Conducted a complete review of these tables for 2006; looking at content, use (views, downloads and sales), ease of use on the Internet, duplications, etc.; For 2006, proposing a reduced, more streamlined, better organized set of tables; Better cross-referencing of tables on the census website: For example, a table cross-tabulating labour force activity and visible minorities, could be found under the “labour” and “visible minority” topics Census Products and Services Line: Topic-based Tabulations
A set of cross-tabulations for Canada, provinces/territories, CMAs/CAs (including some historical tables): Standardize legends where possible, e.g. age A set of basic cross-tabulations (BCT) for lower levels of geography: Proposing to keep some standard geographies for all BCTs (e.g., CDs/CSDs, CTs); For other geographies possibly produce only those tables most in demand; Offer CSD tables as public good to better support the demands for community data – downloadable one CSD at a time; Will be consulting on these proposed changes Census Products and Services Line: Topic-based Tabulations (2)
A National Overview (available after Population & Dwelling release); Print profiles for CDs/CSDs and Census Tracts same as in Census Products and Services Line: Print Products
Census Dictionary: used extensively by users (will offer HTML, print- friendly formats, one print version in 2006); Census Handbook: will merge content with the Dictionary; User Guides for census topics/variables: Available early in the cycle, possibly on day of release; Focus on “how to use the data” with some data quality indicators; Produce limited set of technical reports (e.g. coverage, sampling, specific content areas where there is change… e.g. education); Complete review of census PUMFs for 2006; analytic file for the Research Data Centres Census Products and Services Line: Reference Products/PUMF
Community Profiles are highly successful; will look at ways to improve for 2006 (e.g. some expanded content, percentages to allow for appropriate comparisons); Considering some new Internet Products: Historical trends for provinces/territories, selected municipalities: A set of key historical summary measures (e.g. % lone parents, % recent immigrants, median/average earnings); Boundary changes may be an issue in terms of the extent of the time series. City Neighbourhood (CT) Profile (similar in content to the Community Profiles); 2006 Census Products and Services Line: Some New Initiatives (1)
Community Data Outreach Program Exploring an initiative to provide data and support/outreach (e.g. how to use/find census data) to municipalities and community groups; Explore with Infrastructure Canada potential for analytic series on Canadian cities using census data (similar project in 2001); Thematic Mapping Exploring what to have available on the census Internet site (had some thematic maps at the time of the 2001 releases); Possible partnership with Atlas Canada (as in 2001); 2006 Census Products and Services Line: Some New Initiatives (2)
More streamlined products, building on the success of 2001 product line and feedback from users; Better organize and package the information on the Census Internet module; Strengthen the product line in response to the increasing demand for more community level data (strength of the census); Some initiatives regarding capacity-building and support to data users. Summary of Directions for 2006
Next Steps & Comments Ongoing consultations and development/planning of the product line; Comments?