Basic Information It is an every changing test Many changes in the past-got rid of narrative Next year the test will be totally different
Types of Writing Expository – _writing that instructs Directions, reports, evaluations Persuasive – _gives the writers opinion and tries to convince the reader to agree Petitions, editorials, campaign literature Descriptive – describes a person place or thing Used with the others to provide details
Grading Need a seven to pass. 1-6 on both essays Holistic – Grading that looks at the paper as a whole and assigns the entire paper one grade. Analytical – Looks at the paper as individual parts. Assigns grades to those individual parts and then assigns a grade to each of them and averages them. Ideas Organization Voice Conventions Word Choice Sentence Fluency
Writing Rubric A six paper is superior. It does ALL OR MOST of the following Focuses an d develops ideas in a sustained and compelling manner, showing creativity and insight Clarifies and defends or persuades with precise and relevant evidence; clearly defines and frames issues Effectively organizes ideas in a clear, logical, detailed, and coherent manner Demonstrates involvement with the text and speaks purposefully to the audience Uses multiple sentence structures and word choices commits few,, if any, errors in standard English rules for grammar/usage, and mechanics
Test Day Run Down Given two topics Two pieces of paper. One for the essays. One that has the topics. Must write on both topics. Must stay on topic. Must use all the parts of an essay. Do some sort of pre-write activity.