Energy SET Plan Conference Side event #5 András Siegler, Director - Energy, DG Research and Innovation, European Commission The Strategic Role of Universities
Energy Engaging with the university sector Both EPUE and KIC InnoEnergy have contributed to the development of the SET Plan agenda 'Towards an Integrated Roadmap' The evolving SET Plan - an opportunity to engage more actively and establish closer synergies among academic, research and industrial actors at European level In we will work together to define a structure for the SET Plan that will guide the research and innovation efforts in the energy field
Energy Universities' involvement in the SET Plan 2009 – EPUE first steps as an observer in EERA 2011 onwards - EPUE and KIC InnoEnergy contribution to the SET Plan Education and Training Roadmap, to the Implementation strategy of the SET Plan Materials Roadmap and to the agenda 'Towards an Integrated Roadmap' A topic ENERGY : Mobilising the research, innovation and educational capacities of Europe’s universities. UNI-SET proposal awarded the contract 2014 – Start of UNI-SET project 2014 H2020 topics supporting the Education and Training Roadmap – LCE-20 – the Human Factor in the Energy System; NFRP-10 - Euratom Fission - Education and training; FCH FCH2 JU – Educational initiatives.
Energy The Project UNI-SET A strong role for UNI-SET Responding to the needs of the evolving SET Plan Mapping and analytical activities to give greater visibility and support the formation of clusters of excellence at European level An opportunity to develop EPUE as a strong platform at European level
Energy Clusters of excellence at EU level First events and workshops within UNI-SET - preparing the ground for the development of clusters of excellence at European level Joint education programmes and schemes among universities addressing evolving energy fields; Excellent research programmes, pooling research activities among the universities' research centres; Interdisciplinary collaboration in research and education programmes; A more dynamic transfer of knowledge and cooperation among universities, research institutes and businesses, promoting innovation and enterprise, translating knowledge into economic activity.
Energy SET Plan Themes Clusters of activities in line with the universities' education and research capacities and objectives, built around specific themes identified within the SET Plan First phase of the project - to align mapping and analytical activities with the Themes defined in the SET Plan agenda ‘Towards an Integrated Roadmap’.
Energy Coordination among SET Plan stakeholders Close collaboration with EERA Joint Programmes and the European Industrial Initiatives. Dialogue with the research and industrial community to develop joint education and research activities. Bringing promising ideas from universities to the research/industry players.
Energy UNI-SET - a step in the right direction Research and innovation in energy - high on the EU agenda University sector, supporting our common programme Thank you for your attention! Courtesy of morgueFile