Micro Topics, Subtopics & Argument in Miel-Con Paragraphs
Main Idea Main idea of paragraph- What is it? – Must introduce necessary points Micro topic – Does the micro topic need to be in the “M”- Subtopics – Was the subtopic introduced yet? – Does the subtopic have to be in the “M” of all three body paragraphs? – Should it be anywhere in the three body paragraphs? Argument – Does the argument need to be in the “M” Documents – Does the evidence need to be included in the “M”
Introduction of Evidence What should this contain? – Does the Micro topic need to be addressed? – Does the Subtopic need to be addressed? – Does the argument need to be addressed? What does a good “I” contain? – Who wrote the information that you are going to use – What bias if any does the author have? Do you want to include this? Will it help or hurt your argument? – What do most people think about the topic? Is this Accurate or are you going to give information that changes the readers views?
Evidence What should this contain? – Does the Micro topic need to be addressed? – Does the Subtopic need to be addressed? – Does the argument need to be addressed? What does a good “E” contain? – What is the maid idea of the document? – Only relevant information is necessary (MLA) – Quotes? Are they necessary? Paraphrasing or summarizing information shows analysis
Link What should this contain? – Does the Micro topic need to be addressed? – Does the Subtopic need to be addressed? – Does the argument need to be addressed? What does a good “L” contain? – It depends on what was in the “E” – Between the E and L you must Connect the information to micro, sub, and argument Will probably need multiple sentences at this point This is the most analytical part of the essay and where argument is proven
2 nd or 3 rd Piece of Evidence What should this contain? Sometimes needs another “I” but not always “E” should be very similar “L” can be difficult Needs to do all the same things that prior “E” did Should not be too repetitious in wording Is this evidence necessary?
Conclusion What should this contain? – Does the Micro topic need to be addressed? – Does the Subtopic need to be addressed? – Does the argument need to be addressed? What does a good “Con” contain? – Must either summarize paragraph or – Transition into next paragraph What if the next paragraph is a different subtopic? – Should you summarize all three prior micro topics? – Should you transition from the prior subtopic into the next subtopic?