Meet the Counseling Staff Lead Counselor: Shana Greenwood last names A-E Irene Myers last names F-M Rebecca Kelley last names N-Z
Let’s starts with a little 9th Grade Vocab 5 Words you need to know as a 9th Grader: Grade Classification Credits GPA Class Rank Transcript
Vocab Word #1: Grade Classification 10th Grade= 6 credits (Sophomore) 11th Grade=13 Credits (Junior) 12th Grade = 19 Credits (Senior) HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE= 26 Credits
Vocab Word #2: Credits In high school, credits are earned by PASSING classes with a grade of 70 or above. The High School Transcript is where credits are recorded each semester. You must attend class to receive credits earned.
Speaking of Attendance…… AGAIN….. Students must attend a class in order to receive credit. Credit is granted or denied every semester.
Vocab Word #3: GPA (Grade Point Average) Northwest ISD determines both an un-weighted GPA (4.0 scale) and a weighted GPA (7.0 scale). The weighted GPA is ONLY used in determining class rank. Advanced Placement (AP), Pre-Advanced Placement (Pre-AP), and Dual Credit courses contain weighted grades for ranking.
Vocab Word #4: Class Rank Unweighted-4.0 Scale Weighted GPA-Courses receive different grade points based on level of difficulty of class -Regular Courses max grade point is 5.0 -Pre/AP Courses max grad point is 6.0 -AP Courses max grade point is 7.0 GPA Exempt Courses (Don’t count in your GPA) -Correspondence -Credit By Exams -Summer School for remediation
Vocab #5: Transcript Your High School Transcript is a copy of a your permanent academic record. This includes all courses you have taken, all grades received, and all credits earned.
Let’s Recap
Areas of Difficulty for 9th Graders So Stressed! Areas of Difficulty for 9th Graders New School (Huge Building, New Teachers, New Routines) Heavier Workload (Homework, Test/Quizzes Athletics, Performances) More Independence and Responsibility Social Adjustments (New Friends, Social Media, Peer Pressure) So let’s briefly discuss ways to reduce stress and helpful tips for success.
Tips for Being Successful in High School and Reducing STRESS! Get Organized. Manage Your time well Be a Model Student in class Take good notes in class Study smart Use test-taking strategies Reduce test anxiety Ask for help when you need it Believe in yourself!
One last tip!!!!!!
Counseling Center Updates
Get Ready. Get Set. GO!
Learn About Honor Cords Green Cord – Community Service Award Program Apply for enrollment by October 15th on the Eaton Counseling website. Pick up a Green Cord community service log in the counseling office or download the form from the website. Hours can be earned from June 1 – April 14th. Hours must be turned in by April 15th of each academic year. The program is a way to encourage students in grades 9-12 to contribute at least 100 hours of approved community service per school year. Students can be recognized for all four years. During your senior year, graduates will have the option to purchase a “Green Cord” for each year of achievement to proudly wear during the high school graduation ceremony.
Reminder 101: You can sign up to get reminder texts from the Eaton counselors. They will include reminders about upcoming events and deadlines.