Source : Plants & animals 1.Cellulose 2.Starch 3.Cane sugar 4.Pentoses ( corn cobs ) 5.Glucosides
Importance of blood glucose More than half of the energy of the body is provided by the oxidation of glucose. More than half of the energy of the body is provided by the oxidation of glucose. General formula of carbohydrates Cx ( H2O )x or Cn ( H2O )x. The main source of carbs is photosynthesis. X CO2 + y H2O ( sunlight & chlorophyll) Cx ( H2O )y + xO2
Monosaccharides CnH2nOn n = 2 biose n = 3 triose n = 4 tetrose n = 5 pentose n = 6 hexose ( up till 10 ) Like glucose & fructose
Oligosaccharides Like sucrose & maltose. C 12 H 22 O 11 + H 2 O 2C 6 H 12 O 6. C 18 H 32 O 16 + H 2 O 3C 6 H 12 O 6.
POLYSACCHARIDES They yield a large number of monsaccharides on hydrolysis. (C 6 H 10 O 5 )n + nH 2 O n C 6 H 12 O 6.
steriomerism Many carbohydrates contain the same number of atoms and the same kinds of groups, yet are definitely distinct substances. For example, the formula C 6 H 12 O 6 represents 16 different simple sugars. When there several assymetric carbon atoms in a chain and the end molecles are not identical, the number of sterioisomers is 2 n.
OPTICAL ACTIVITY It is the abilility of a compound to rotate the plane of polarization to the left or right when placed in the path of a beam of polarized light. The instrument used for measuring the rotatry power of a substance is called polarimeter. It consists of 2 prisms one the polariser and the other the analyser & between them a tube containing the carbohydrate under test. Rotate clockwise ( + ), anticlockwise ( - ).
polarization In assymetric molecules such as 1 & 2 there is a net rotation of the plane of polarization. Comparing each isomer with the configuration of glyceraldehyde is generally labeled with the coresponding letter d ( dextro ) or l ( levo )
monosaccharides Glucose It is an aldohexose it has a ring structure however it is readily broken and in many of its reactions it behaves as if having an open chain structure. It is d rotary and thus acquires the name dextrose, it is found in grapes. It is made by the hydrolysis of starch or sucrose.
fructose It is a ketohexose with a structure similar to that of glucose C 6 H 12 O 6. It is regarded as a penta hydroxy ketone. It is found in honey, it is levorotary.
How was the structure of hexoses established? Mol wt analysis showed the formula C 6 H 12 O 6. When treated with acetic anhydride the penta acetate is formed indicating the presence of 5 hydroxyl groups.
How was the structure of hexoses established ? They form oxime when treated with hydroxyl amine, thus they contain a carbonyl group
How was the structure of hexoses established ? A pentahydroxy acid is formed when oxidised with bromine water indicating that carbonyl group is an aldehydic one.
How was the structure of hexoses established ? When reduced with conc HI & red P at 100 o C, a normal hexane is obtained which indicates that the six carbon atoms are in straight chains.
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