4 th Grade 4 th Grade Marketing 4 th Grade 4 th Grade Marketing 3 rd Grade 3 rd Grade Marketing information. Marketing information. 3 rd Grade 3 rd Grade Marketing information. Marketing information. 2 nd Grade 2 nd Grade Production 2 nd Grade 2 nd Grade Production 1 st Grade 1 st Grade Selling 1 st Grade 1 st Grade Selling 4 th Grade 4 th Grade Self 4 th Grade 4 th Grade Self 3 rd Grade 3 rd Grade Customers 3 rd Grade 3 rd Grade Customers 2 nd Grade 2 nd Grade Social 2 nd Grade 2 nd Grade Social 1 st Grade 1 st Grade Shapes 1 st Grade 1 st Grade Shapes 4 th Grade 4 th Grade Market Price Market Price 4 th Grade 4 th Grade Market Price Market Price 3 rd Grade 3 rd Grade Law 3 rd Grade 3 rd Grade Law 2 nd Grade 2 nd Grade Econ 2 nd Grade 2 nd Grade Econ 1 st Grade 1 st Grade Demand 1 st Grade 1 st Grade Demand Airplanes (in Business) 5th Grade 5th Grade Monopoly 5th Grade 5th Grade Monopoly 5th Grade 5th Grade Micro 5th Grade 5th Grade Micro 5th Grade 5th Grade Prices Prices 5th Grade 5th Grade Prices PricesPeekCopyCheat
What is meant by price? 1. Price is the actual amount that customers pay and the methods of increasing he value of the product to the customers. Or is it.. 2. Price includes the methods and information communicated to customers to encourage purchases and increase their satisfaction.
Did you say that price is the actual amount that customers pay and the methods of increasing the value of the product to the customers? You are smarter than a 5 th grader friends! Go back to main slidemain
What is a market? 1. A market is the blending of four marketing elements, product, distribution, price and promotion by the business. Or is it 2. Market is the refers too the description of the prospective customers a business wants to serve and the location of those customers.. Go back to main slidemain
Did you say a market refers to the description of the prospective customers a business wants to serve and the location of those customer Go back to main slidemain
What is a production function? 1. It is a location where people bring products to be conveniently exchanged or 2. Creates or obtains products or services for sale.
Do you say it creates or obtains products or services for sale? If you did your are smarter than a 5 th grader? Go back to main slide.main
What is a marketing information management person? 1.Establishing and communicating the value of products and service to prospective cus tomers. 2.A person who will be obtaining, managing and using market information to improve decision making and the performance of marketing activities.
Did you say the Marketing information management person was the person who would be obtaining, managing, and using market information to improve decision making and the performance of marketing activities. Go back to main slide.main
What is meant by selling? 1. Establishing and communicating the value of products and service in perspective customers. Or 2. Direct, personal communications with prospective customers in order to assess needs and satisfy those needs with appropriate products and services
Did you say “2”? Selling is direct, personal communication with prospective customers n order to assess needs and satisfy those needs with appropriate products and services Go back to main slide.main
What is Microeconomics? 1. The studies of the economic behavior and relationships of the entire society. Or is it…. 2. The study of relationships between individual consumers and producers.
Did you answer Microeconomics is the study of relationships between individual consumers and producers Go back to main slide.main
What is meant by Self regulation? 1. Self regulation is decisions and behavior based on honest and fair standards. Or is it…. 2. Taking personal responsibilities for actions is know as self regulations.
Did you say - Taking personal responsibilities for actions is know as self regulations. You are so smart….. Go back to main slide.main
Do you know what consumerism is? 1. Consumerism is the organized actions of group of consumers seeking to increase their influence on business practices. Or it it….. 2. A group of consumers is dissatisfied with the actions or products of a business they can organize a customer boycott.
Consumerism is the organized actions of group of consumers seeking to increase their influence on business practices Go back to main slide.main
What is the definition of social responsibility? 1. Social responsibility is the organized actions of groups of consumers seeking to increase their influence on business practices. Or is it… 2. Social responsibility is the trend today to be greater in expectation for business to be socially responsible and to aid in solving he problems facing society?
Did you say - Social responsibility is the trend today to be greater in expectation for business to be socially responsible and to aid in solving the problems facing society? Go back to main slide.main
What is the most descriptive name for the shape below.
Did you say Trapezoid? You “dun” graduated the 3rd grade! Go back to main slidemain
What is a monopoly? 1. Customers have so many choices of suppliers and the products of all suppliers are similar.. Or is it… 2. A type of economy that the market in which there is one supplier offering a unique product.
A monopoly is a type of market in which there is one supplier offering a unique product. Go back to main slidemain
Do you know what market price is? 1. The point where supply and demand for a product are equal. Or is it…. 2. To determine the number of computers that will actually be produced.
The point where supply and demand for a product are equal. Go back to main slidemain
What is the law of Supply? 1. When the price of a product is increased more will be produced..Or is it… 2. As the price goes down fewer will be manufactured.
Brilliant! Did you say As the price goes down, fewer will be manufactured because this is the relationship that is known as the law of supply. Go back to main slidemain
What is economic resources? 1. The graph of the relationship between price and quantity supplied is known as this. Or is it…. 2. Economic resources are classified as natural resources, capital, equipment, and labor.
Once again you graduated the 3 rd grade! Economic resources are classified as natural resources, capital, equipment, and labor! Go back to main slidemain
What is a demand curve? 1. The relationship between price and the quantity demanded is often illustrated in a graph. Or is it… 2. The way business use the resources available to develop products and services.
Ya.. you are smart! Demand curve is the relationship between price and the quantity demanded is often illustrated as a demand curve. Go back to main slidemain