1 Study Effectively 2
2 Your memory When you want to remember things, make lots of beginnings and endings to your study sessions Study in short bursts A one hour session with three five minute breaks is best
3 Your memory If you want to improve your chances of remembering something then you must make a strong impression on your brain
4 Your Memory Is helped by a positive “can do” attitude Needs to be active. You need practise to be good – just like playing the piano or being involved in sport
5 Your Memory Needs you to use your brain effectively Set targets and goals Keep fit and have lots of rest Prepare yourself and have a study timetable Take good notes and know key words
6 How it works Idea Short term memory Long Term memory Information not acted on is lost You “do” something to transfer the information Information can be retrieved at a later time
7 Do Something So that you will remember! Colours of the rainbow Work out a code to remember ROYGBIV
8 Visual Memory A Picture is worth a thousand words! Use colour, diagrams, different letter sizes, highlighters, mind maps. When you use visual aids you will see patterns and links
9 Be Active with your learning! Recall Read and record Read, record and reorganise REGULARLY
10 The four R’s of memory Review - go over the work a number of times Registration - getting it into your long term memory Retention - keeping it there Remembering - getting the facts out when you need them