AMBITIOUS AIMING HIGH SEEKING FEEDBACK MAKING OPPORTUNITIES Is it possible to teach someone to become more AMBITIOUS? If so, how? What skills or qualities are required to be AMBITIOUS? Can you list these in order of priority? Can your own personal ambitions be enhanced (or hindered) by: your friends, classmates, family or teachers? For each of these, can you provide positive examples of their influences, for good or bad? Which lessons provide the most valuable opportunities for you to be AMBITIOUS? How do these lessons enable you to be ambitious? What could other teachers learn from these approaches?
AMBITIOUS Imagine your future self… What kind of work life might you have? Are you working indoors or outdoors? Are you leading a team, part of a team, or are you working alone? Are you making something (not just money)? For example a product or artwork, a difference to someone’s life, or solving a solution to a problem? Do you get to travel? Where in the world are you working? What kind of lifestyle might you lead? What part of the world do you live in? Do you have your own family? What do you do to keep fit and healthy? What good do you do for others? How are you best using your skills and personal qualities? IN SILENCE, THINK ABOUT YOUR HOPES AND AMBITIONS FOR THE FUTURE. MAKE NOTES – NO NEED TO SHOW THEM TO ANYONE. USE THE PROMPTS ABOVE TO HELP YOU RESPECT THIS OPPORTUNITY FOR OTHERS TO REFLECT IN SILENCE
AMBITIOUS Using the ambitions above list your top 5 priorities. Are there any missing which you would choose to add? Discuss the reasons for your choices.
These are our baseline expectations – the things that all students should strive to do: Think about the statements above. Which do you consider strengths? Which do you think you could improve upon? AIMING HIGH SEEKING FEEDBACK MAKING OPPORTUNITIES AMBITIOUS
“Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.” Mark Twain AIMING HIGH SEEKING FEEDBACK MAKING OPPORTUNITIES AMBITIOUS