Initial ideas regarding pre-comitology meetings RCC The Hague, 5 July 2010 Programme Office GRI NW
2 RCC The Hague, 5 July 2010 Drafting of pre-comitology document What is the main objective or result that you like to achieve during the meeting At what level and (technical) detail should information be presented and by who What specific questions should be addressed Member states input has been key driver in drafting process Based on member states meeting of 6th of May….. …NMa has written down first ideas … and input of several member states…
3 RCC The Hague, 5 July 2010 First reaction of member states We fully supports the view set out and the processes proposed in the document I am very grateful that you take the time to consult governments like this We consider the processes are vital to gain a good understanding of the high level principles and issues in advance of key decisions Member states are positive towards initial ideas It is indeed important that the ratio behind the perspective proposals is known to governments. Duplicate work should be avoided
4 RCC The Hague, 5 July 2010 Possible process for pre-comitology meetings CAM Tarification SoS CMP Etc. The 3-year work plan should set the agenda for the pre-comitology meetings Member states would like to see a number of essential questions adressed Both TSO’s and regulators should adress questions at strategic level to governments - Impact on issues such as: SoS,consumer prices - Impact on current arrangements (what change is needed) - Understand specifities of North West region Member states seek pre-comitology meetings early in process
5 RCC The Hague, 5 July 2010 Timing for first pre-comitology meeting Framework Guideline for CAM has been finished, CMP is under construction Balancing is in the making process, drafting of Tarification will start shortly ENTSO-G will draft network codes on CAM and balancing second half of 2010 The Framework Guideline on CMP will likely be first for comitology Pre-comitology meeting preparations should start on the short term
6 RCC The Hague, 5 July 2010 Questions for RCC 1.To what extent does RCC agree with the proposed process? 2.How should preparation of pre-comitology meetings be organized? -Formation of Task Force with experts of both NRA’s and TSO’s? -One regulator in the lead per comitology procedure?