Local Government Information Network Presentation for the “Miasta w Internecie“ Conference By Kristof Varga Project Manager Zakopane Poland
Mission To create a sustainable knowledge and experience-based information network for local government in CEE and the former Soviet Union To improve the capacity and professionalism of local government through the exchange of information and experience
A decentralized & shared system Client in need of info LOGIN partner staff needs assessment info Administrative site (internal) LOGIN partner sites & About LOGIN (public) Info gatheing and processing LOGIN services LOGIN database LOGIN partner staff LOGIN partner staff LOGIN partner staff feedback
Structure of the Library Common database Polish Hungarian Latvian Bulgarian Lithuanian SlovakEnglish section Translated materials
Results: presence on the web LOGIN international Bulgaria Latvia Lithuania Slovakia Hungary Poland-Municipium Poland -FSLD Our “Front Office”: the national sites & LOGIN international
Results: presence on the web LOGIN administrative LOGIN content monitoringLOGIN content monitoring LOGIN traffic monitoring Our “Back Office”: the service sites
Results: the Login database Library: 1340 full text, downloadable documents on eight languages + news, training, funding, EU integration, legislative update
Library: documents by topic