IHM/ KIT/ Campus Nord 1 | Georg Müller | LEADER Bologna November 17, 2010 LEADER WP6 AGENDA Bologna, November 17th, 2010 ENEA, Aula Magna 14.00Agenda (G.


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Presentation transcript:

IHM/ KIT/ Campus Nord 1 | Georg Müller | LEADER Bologna November 17, 2010 LEADER WP6 AGENDA Bologna, November 17th, 2010 ENEA, Aula Magna 14.00Agenda (G. Müller, …..) 14.10WP6 General Introduction, Deliverables, Milestones (G. Müller) 14.20Task 6.1.Presentations and discussion (A. Weisenburger, …) 14.40Task 6.2.Presentations and discussion (M. Tarantino, …) 15.00Task 6.3.Presentations and discussion (A. Gessi, A. Weis…) 15.20Task 6.4.Presentations and discussion (A. Ciampichetti, …) 15.40Task 6.5.Presentation and discussion (P. Turroni, G. Mueller …) 16:20WP6 Conclusions; Discussions, and activities (all) 17.00Adjourn

IHM/ KIT/ Campus Nord 2 | Georg Müller | LEADER Bologna November 17, 2010 WP6: Lead Technology (KIT) Start Month: 1 – End month: 36 Lead participant: KIT Participants: CEA (6), CIRTEN (2), ANSALDO (3), ENEA (35), KIT (26), UJV (7) Total effort: 79 PM The work concentrates on topics to ensure the basic technologies of the project and to establish programs and priorities of co-operation with partner of GENIV and ROSATOM. The WP is organized in 5 Tasks: 4 Tasks address several specific technological issues directly linked to the coolant Task No 5 is dedicated to knowledge exchange with ROSATOM – needs specific discussion today

IHM/ KIT/ Campus Nord 3 | Georg Müller | LEADER Bologna November 17, 2010 Objectives of WP6 Task 1: Material for heat transfer components - KIT, UJV, ENEA – A. Weisenburger Determine important mechanical properties of T91 with and without surface protection like creep and stress in combination with Pb of materials for heat transfer components Transfer the surface protection process (GESA) to steam generator geometry Determine the heat transfer properties of materials in contact with Pb Assess the possibility to aluminize the entire reactor core internals inclusive pressure vessel - specific request from Design Task 2: Materials for mechanical pump – ENEA, KIT – M. Tarantino Test promising pump materials under realistic conditions Task 3: Oxygen control and purification strategy - CEA, KIT, ENEA – Ch. Latge Collection and assessment of available information concerning monitoring and control of the oxygen activity in a pool type reactor and purification of lead during plant operation Task 4: Damping pressure waves inside the SG – ENEA, ANSALDO, CIRTEN – A. Chiampichetti Investigate and asses the damping of pressure waves by SGTR event Task 5: Scientific and technology collaboration with ROSATOM institutions – ENEA, KIT, CEA – Paolo Turroni Cooperation (exchange of knowledge and joint technological efforts) with the ROSATOM project in specific topics.

IHM/ KIT/ Campus Nord 4 | Georg Müller | LEADER Bologna November 17, 2010 Participa nt N° Participant Short Name T6.1T6.2T6.3T6.4T6.5WP6 1Ansaldo CEA CIRTEN ENEA KIT UJV Total Table 3-1 WP6 Budget of each partners assigned to the Tasks

IHM/ KIT/ Campus Nord 5 | Georg Müller | LEADER Bologna November 17, 2010 Gant Chart of WP6 M24 - D12 – Task Compilation of existing data on the liquid lead oxygen control strategy – CEA, ENEA, KIT M24 - T09 – Task Heat transfer properties – KIT M30 - T13 - Task Surface aluminizing of steam generator components – KIT M30 - D16 – Task Erosion stability of materials in fast flowing lead – ENEA, KIT Milestone: M24 - M06 Task SG test facility commissioned – ENEA, CIRTEN, ANSALDO Kick-Off in Genova 2010 April 22 nd ½ year meeting in Bologna M06, D12, T09 T13, D16

IHM/ KIT/ Campus Nord 6 | Georg Müller | LEADER Bologna November 17, 2010 M24 - D12 – Task Compilation of existing data on the liquid lead oxygen control strategy – CEA, ENEA, KIT M24 - T09 – Task Heat transfer properties – KIT M30 - T13 - Task Surface aluminizing of steam generator components – KIT M30 - D16 – Task Erosion stability of materials in fast flowing lead – ENEA, KIT M36 - D33 – Task Summary of HLM reactors materials – KIT M36 - T17 – Task Influence of lead on mechanical properties – KIT, ENEA, UJV M36 - D23 – Task Tests report on the performance of the proposed pressure wave damping system – ENEA, CIRTEN, ANSALDO M36 - D24 – Task Summary of the complementary and common work of EU – partners and ROSATOM institutions based on the deliverables containing the ROSATOM contribution - ENEA, CEA, KIT Milestone: M24 - M06 – Task SG test facility commissioned – ENEA, CIRTEN, ANSALDO List of Deliverable, Technical Reports and Milestones

IHM/ KIT/ Campus Nord 7 | Georg Müller | LEADER Bologna November 17, 2010 Task 6.5 Scientific and technology collaboration with ROSATOM institutions (ENEA, CEA, KIT and ROSATOM: NIKIET, IPPE, NIIEFA, PROMETEY..) Month ROSATOM will finance a complementary Russian research project on the development of a fast lead cooled reactor. Some technology oriented work will be compared and assessed to find the most promising solutions. Selected tasks (6.1, 6.3 and 6.4) within WP6 will be considered for this scientific exchange and comparison. Task responsible persons: ENEA: Paolo Turroni; CEA: Christian Latge; KIT: Georg Müller Deliverable: D24 - Summary of the complementary and common work of EU – partners and ROSATOM institutions based on the deliverables containing the ROSATOM contribution (M36) - ENEA, CEA, KIT

IHM/ KIT/ Campus Nord 8 | Georg Müller | LEADER Bologna November 17, 2010 Task 6.5 Scientific and technology collaboration with ROSATOM institutions Topics of the scientific collaboration: From WP6.1 Assessment of surface protection and heat transfer capability (IPPE, NIKIET, NIIEFA): -Russian side: a direct surface alloying with Al is proposed -This will be compared with the FeCrAlY approach considered at KIT. Exchange of modified samples and common corrosion tests Measurement of heat transfer coefficient with different approaches in both institutions. Comparison and assessment of the results and experimental work Degradation of mechanical properties in lead (PROMETEY, NIKIET): Both institutions will do complementary work on the mechanical behaviour of steels in liquid lead. An intensive exchange of experimental results will be the basis of this work.

IHM/ KIT/ Campus Nord 9 | Georg Müller | LEADER Bologna November 17, 2010 Task 6.5 Scientific and technology collaboration with ROSATOM institutions Topics of the scientific collaboration: From WP6.3 - Assessment of most promising oxygen control and lead purification strategy (IPPE) Oxygen control and lead purification was also in the past a field of European Russian cooperation. The work considered in Task 6.3 will be compared with the option derived by the ROSATOM project and the results will be assessed. From WP6.4 - Comparison and assessment of pressure wave damping inside SG (NIKIET, IPPE) The Russians developed a double wall approach for pressure wave damping inside SG. The experimental work to verify their design will be performed and the technical solution together with the experimental results will be compared with efforts done in Task 6.4. An assessment of the different proposals will be done.