COMPUTER WHO: Charles Babbage invented the computer WHEN : He invented the Computer in the year 1822 WHERE : This was invented in Pennsylvania, USA. HOW : The first computer was invented by a team of engineers at the University of Pennsylvania. The computer was named ENIAC (Electronic Numerator, Integrator, Analyzer and Computer) and it took up 1800 sqft of space.. The computer was built to do numerical calculations. Some of the calculations run were related to the hydrogen bomb.
TELEPHONE TELEPHONE WHO : Alexander Graham Bell discovered the telephone. WHEN : He discovered the telephone on March 10,1876 WHERE : He discovered the telephone in his summer home in Brantford, Ontario and then later physically created his first telephone in Boston, Massachusetts (where, he said, it was 'born') HOW : Mr. Bell invented the telephone by accident when he was trying to invent a device that could send more than one telegram at the same time. Mr. Watson and Mr. Bell were both practicing their musical instruments in separate rooms. Bell spilled some polishing liquid on himself and said over the telephone, “Mr. Watson, come here, I want you.” The telephone was invented by using the vibrations of a sound wave. When the sound waves reach the ear of the person at the other end of a telephone they get the same effect as they would have, if they came directly from the speaker's mouth.
MOBILE PHONE WHO : Doctor Martin Cooper invented the modern cell phone. WHEN : He invented the mobile phone on the year WHERE : The mobile phone was invented in Chicago at motorola. HOW : Cell phones work by sending radio waves to a grid of radio towers set next to each other in a "cell" formation in a particular coverage area. Today, cell phone signals are digitized and sent on multiple radio channels so that more messages can be sent more quickly. Wireless Internet connections can even be established using the same principles, but this is recent technology, and the basic science used for cell phones has been developing over the last 50 years.
GRID COMPASS WHO : Bill Moggridge designed and discovered the grid compass. WHEN : Designed – 1979, Introduced/Released – April WHERE : This was discovered in Britain HOW : The computer was designed by British industrial designer Bill Moggridge in 1979, and first sold three years later. The design used a clamshell case (where the screen folds flat to the rest of the computer when closed), which was made from a magnesium alloy. The computer featured an Intel 8086 processor, a 320 × 240- pixel electroluminescent display, 340-kilobyte magnetic bubble memory, and a 1,200 bit/s modem. Devices such as hard drives and floppy drives could be connected via the IEEE-488 I/O (also known as the GPIB or General Purpose Instrumentation Bus). This port made it possible to connect multiple devices to the addressable device bus. It weighed 5 kg (11 lb). The power input is ~110/220 V AC, 47–66 Hz, 75 W.